HCA 13/69 Silver 6 f.18r Annotate

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HCA 13/69 Silver 6 f.18r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


On behalfe of the keepers of the liberty-}
England by Authority of parliament-}
against the shipp the fortune of Rotterdam}
whereof Hubert Arianson was late master}

The 28th day of September 1653
Examined upon interrogatories on the behalfe of the
sayd keepers of the liberty of England
by Authority of Parliament.

Dirick Jacobson of Rotterdam in Holland Mariner
master steersmans mate of the sayd shipp the Ffortune
aged eight and twenty or thereabouts a
witnes sworne and examined deposeth and saith
as followeth videlicit.

To the first interrogatories he saith that he this deponent is one of the sayd shipp
the Ffortunes Company and was Steersmans mate of her this last voyage
and was aboard her att the tyme of seizure by the shipps of the Commonwealth
And saith she began her outward voyage from Rotterdam within the jurisdiction
of the states of the united Provinces, and att Rotterdam should and would have
finished her voyage, and returned thither if she had not bene hindred and taken
by the shipps of this Commonwealth, And saith the master of the sayd shipp
or perrell and all the shipps Companie were and are Inhabitants of Rotterdam
and subjects of the sayd states of the united provinces, which he knoweth
being himselfe an Inhabitant there and one of the sayd shipps Company
And otherwise he cannot depose.

To the second interrogatory he saith that there were on board the sayd shipp the ffortune
att the tyme of seizure one hundred and seventy tonne of pickled herrings.
And saith that Jacob Symondson, Cornelius de Ryner and Company
Inhabitant of Rotterdam and subjects of the [XXX] states of the united Provinces
were and are the Owners of the sayd shipp or perrell the ffortune and her
lading aforesayd. And saith he knoweth the same to be true for the
reasons aforesayd, and for that the sayd shipp was by the sayd Owners imployed
and fitted out for her fishing voyage. And otherwise he cannot depose.

To the third he saith he knoweth not of any bills of lading or other writings
whatsoever aboard the sayd shipp during this her fishing voyage.
And further he cannot depose.

Dirick Jacobson [SIGNATURE]
Sam Delaplace [SIGNATURE]