HCA 13/69 Silver 1 f.38v Annotate

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HCA 13/69 Silver 1 f.38v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


present is a merchant of good quality using to trade betwixt the Indies
Spaine and other sylver and plate. And saith that in the yeare
of our Lord 1651 he saw the sayd John Mexia de herrera borne in the
West Indies, where this deponent saw him buy and procure for his owne
use all and singular the money, sylver and plate in the arlate schedulate
mentioned that is to say six cases of Rialls of eight of Peru money
marked with the first marke in the margent, five whereof contayns


in them severally two thousand eight hundred Ryalls a piece more or lesse.
and the sixth fifteen hundred Ryalls of eight, and severall barretons
of plate weighing in the whole one hundred eighty four markes of
sylver the sayd barretons being putt into the sayd Chest with the sayd
Ryalls to fill the same there being not Ryalls enough to doe it whith
sayd six Chests are mentioned in the first schedule arlate. And allso
one case with two thousand seven hundred and fifty pieces of eight
nyne of Peru more or lesse marked with the second marke in the


margent and mentioned in the second schedule arlate. ANd allso nyne
barrs of sylver marked with the third marke in the margent, And these


barrs of sylver marked with the fourth marke in the margent, the


sayd nyne barrs and three barrs weighing fifteen hundred ninety six
markes or thereabouts. And seven cases of barretons of sylver marked
with the fifth marke in the margent containing in the whole one hundred


fifty eight barretons and weighing, two thousand one hundred fifty seven
markes more or lesse. And allso two chests or trunks with linnen
table plate of sylver with other plate for serving and ornament and a quantity of pieces of eight for spending
money according to a note or particular thereof left by this deponent
in the Registry of this Court; which sayd nyne barrs three barrs, and
seven cases and trunks with linnen and table are mencioned in the
third schedule arlate. And he saith that he saw all the barrs and barretons
whose weight he hath declared weighed, and Ryalls whose number he hath
declared, told and counted. And further saith that the said John Mexia
de Herrera for and during all the tyme arlate was and att present is and
ought to be the true and lawfull owner of all and singular the sayd moneys
plate and sylver haveing bought the same in the Indies as aforesayd, And
he saith that he the sayd John Mexica de Herrera was in the quiet and
peaceable possession of the same moneys and plate in the sayd Indies and brought
the same from there with him to Cadiz in Spaine, this deponent coming
together with the sayd owner aboard the Spanish Admirall of the South [Seas]
wherein the sayd money and plate was laden from Limma to portovela. and
from there in the Vice Admirall of the Spanish Gelleons whereon the
sayd moneys and plate was putt aboard att Portovela aforesayd this deponent
and the producent being therein likewise embarqued to Cadiz aforesayd.
And further he cannot depose saving that for the tyme arlate the sayd
John Mexica de Herrera for lawfull owner of the goods plate and money and was commonly accounted
reputed and taken and saving that the shipps now declared he the better knoweth and conceyveth
for that he did at the desire of the producent take a note of the money and plate aforesayd with the [XXX]
to the end that if the producent should [to dy in the voyage the said moneys and plate might thereafter commonly XXX]

To the second he saith that after the Admirall of the sayd Galleons att Cadiz
and unlading the sayd moneys and sylver out of the sayd Vice Admirall
videlicet about the latter out of September 1652. the sayd John Mexia de
Herrera by Luis Carasco dias his Agent did lade and putt on board the
arlate shipp the Sampson whereof Otto George was Captaine the aforesayd
six cases of Ryalls Peru money and barretons of sylver mentioned in the
sayd first schedule arlate, And on board the shipp Salvador whereof
Christian Cloppenburgh is Captaine the sayd one case of Ryalls of eight
Peru coyne mentioned in the sayd second schedule arlate. And on board
the Saint George John Martindorp Master or Captaine the sayd nyme board and
three barrs of sylver, and the sayd seven cases of barretons of sylver and