HCA 13/69 Silver 15 f.14r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/69 Silver 15 |
Folio | 14 |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 20/08/2015 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_118_07_3031.jpg | |
First transcriber | |
Nga Phan-Bellis | |
First transcribed | |
2015/08/20 |
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Marine Lives Tools
residing at Cadiz in Spaine, cause to be laden and putt on board the shipp the
Saint John Evangelist, (whereof John de Vos was and is Master) then lyeing at or
neare Cadiz in Spaine one bagg containing foure hundred peeces of eight, and
nine markes and 6. onnces of silver n°. A, and two other baggs each containing
six hundred pa[?tatoons] or pieces of eight, the said baggs being all of the marked with
the marke in the margent for the accompt and adventure of the said producent
to bee transported and carryed in the said shipp to Dunquirke or Ostend in
fflander and there to be discharged and delivered to the producent or his Correspondents there
for his use and accompt. Which this deponent well knoweth being Cashier and
Bookekeeper to Signore John Smeesters Merchant of Antwerp, who is an intimate
friend Correspondent and a Kinsman of the said producent, by meanes whereof
this deponent is familiarly versed in and [privie] to the negociation of the said
producent, and hath from time to tyme seene and perused his bookes of Accompts, and
letters of advise interchangeably sent betweene him and his said ffactors concerning
his silver trade in Spaine, and particularly shortly after the ladeing of the parcells of
silver and money predeposed, this deponent in the house of the said producent saw and
perused letters of advise sent over land by the Poast from Cadiz to the producent
at Antwerp by his said ffactors together Other two bills of lading concerning the
said silver and moneys, whereby the said ffactors intimated and expressed that
they had laden the severall parcells of silver and moneys above mentioned in
manner and forme and for the accompt as aforesaid, And this deponent then
also saw the booke of accompts of the said producent, wherein this deponent precontest
according to the Manner and Customs of Merchants had entred the said respective
parcells, whereby this deponent is fully assured of the trueth of the premisses,
and that no subject or subjects of the King of ffrance or States of the United
Netherlands or any other person whatsoever, (the said producent excepted) had or
hath any right or propriety in or to the said silver or any part thereof.
And further saith, That this deponent hath Credibly heard and beleeveth that the
said shipp the Saint John Evangelist being in her direct Course for Dunquirke
or Ostend with the said respective parcells of silver and moneys aboard her
were mett withall surprized and taken by some of the shipps of this Common-
-wealth, and brought up into the River of Thames. And further cannot
To the 4th article and schedules annexed hee saith, That in or about the
moneth of June last past, and about the beginning of the same this deponent
saw and perused two bills of ladeing for the respective parcells of monies
and sylver predeposed, both of which bills were signed and firmed with the
proper handwriting of the said John de Vos, and this deponent by reason of his
often seeing and observing of the same stedfastly believeth and filled up
one of them with the handwriteing of the brother of John Lamotte one
of the said ffactors and the other with the handwriting of the said Elias [?Ertwegh]
John de Vos, master of the Saint John Evangelist
Signore John Smeesters Merchant of Antwerp, who is an intimate friend Correspondent and a Kinsman of the said producent
The brother of John Lamotte (one of the ffactors)
Saint John Evangelist
one bagg containing foure hundred peeces of eight, and
nine markes and 6. onnces of silver n°. A, and two other baggs each containing
six hundred pa[?tatoons] or pieces of eight, the said baggs being all of the marked with
the marke in the margent