HCA 13/69 Silver 14 f.7r Annotate

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HCA 13/69 Silver 14 f.7r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



To the sixth hee saith, That the Bookes and Accompts of the said John
Bollart have Constantly from time to time beene fairely and decently kept
by way of Creditors and debitors following the usuall Custome of Merchants
and that soone after the said letters of advice received by the said producent giveing
him notice of the said silver plate and moneys soe laden for his accompt hee the
said Bollart did give the seveall laders thereof Creditt for the same according to
their severall proportions in his booke of Accompts. and made himselfe debtor
to them resoectively by way of defalcation of his effects remaineing in their hands
And by the bookes and accompts soe kept betweene Merchant and Merchant
and letters and advices they became lyable to and discharged from each other
for very great and Considerable summes. The premisses hee well knoweth for the
reasons predeposed, and particularly for that hee this deponent with his owne hand
entred into the Journall book of the producent the accompts of debtor and Creditor
between the said producent and his said ffactoroccasioned by the said negotiation
betwixt them for and concerning the silver predeposed. And further cannot depose

To the seaventh hee saith, The said John Bollart did and doeth beare the
adventure of the said plate bullion and money soe laden and sent, and is and
ought to bee the true and sole Owner and Proprietor of the same, And that no
person or persons whatsoever Subject or Subjects of the King of ffrance or
States of the United Netherlands had or have any manner of interest therein
(And which