HCA 13/69 Silver 14 f.5r Annotate

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HCA 13/69 Silver 14 f.5r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


From Spain, for fland: were mett withal and taken by some of the shippe of this
Commonwealth, all the said silver being as hee beleeveth, then aboard them and in
Further hee cannot repose:

To the last hee saith his foregoing deponent was and is true:

To the first negatively:

To the second hee saith hee hath known the interrate John Bollart for these eight
Grands last or thereabouts, and saith the interrate Gerrard Fiper (who it an
– Antwerper borne) and Lopez di Molnia and John Baptista are onely known to –
This deponent by the correspondenrie which they hold with the producent John Bollaeth
And further cannot depose.

To the third he saith, that the said Gerrard Fiper, Lopez de Molina and John -
Baptista are factors in the producent, but not hee to those, And otherwise saving his
Foregoing deponent hee saith hee cannot depose.

To the fourth hee saith of the interrate John Bollart is an Antwerp borne, where he have
Lived with his family in the [?] street over since this deponent first know him the said –
Gerard Fiper also a native of Antwerp, and so arrompted, having two sisters, and others of
His kindred living, and beleeveth the others are Spaniards, and further cannot depose

To the fifth 6, 7 8 and 9th hee referreth himself his foregoing despondant and
Forasmurh as he was not in the voyage in question, nor saw the labouring of the said
Silver, hee cannot further depose to these interries.

To the 10th: hee saith hee is absolutely convinced in consrieure, that the silver proposed
Goeth entirely and solely belong to the said producent and to no other person or persons
Whatsoever, and that for the reasons proposed to which hee referreth:

To the 11th and 12th hee referreth himselfe to his foregoing deponant, and further
Cannot depose.

To the 13th and 14th he referreth himselfe to his forgoing deposition, and otherwise hee
Cannot depose: saving that sevrall sorte of manufactures of fflanders were sent over *
*the said factors namely linnon cloath of gant, Bridges says, [?], Brussells stuffs, and
Other goods have a very great value and also sevral manufactures of this [?] from London, the said fflemish
Goods being sent from Ostend by Derrick Baytman, Foachmie Corder, Norwich
Somerset ^[?] but the particular worth of the said goods this deposit remembreth not.

To the 15th: hee saith hee this deponent it an Antwerper borne, and metz there, and
Otherwise negatively saveing he is domestique servant to the producent.

To the 16. For his part negatively, and otherwise saveing his foregoing deponent hee
Saith hee cannot depose.

To the 17 . 18 and 19th: he cannot depose otherwise then it proposed.

To the 20th hee saith, that 2000th; start are assured here at London for the producent
by the procurement of Mr Gilet Van de Putt, and 2500 pounds flemmish at HamBorough by
Samuel Poquoslo a hamburgher. And otherwise negatively.

To the 21th : hee saith, hee this deponent: saw the bill of saving interrate at Antwerp
Immediately after they came to the producents hands as aforesaid, who sent the same
To Mr Cassel his correspondent here in London: and further he cannot depose:

To the 22th: and 23th: hee saith that not being in the voyage interrate, hee cannot
Further depose, then what he hath proposed, to which he hath referreth.

To the 24th: hee saith, the said John Bollart before the warr whoist the united

Provinces and this commonwealth had correspondents at Amsterdam and Middlesborough
But since the said warr begun, hath made no use of them, as the said deponent, saith hee