HCA 13/69 Silver 0 IMG 118 07 2512 Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/69 Silver 0 |
Folio | 3 |
Side | Verso |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 26/02/2016 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_118_07_2512.jpg | |
First transcriber | |
Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2016/02/26 |
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To the 21th hee saith hee is sure that the bill of ladeing annexed is [?one ?of]
those which this deponent saw signed at Mallega upon the ladeing of the
said goods on board, because that hee never signed any
other save those predeposed. And further cannot depose./
To the 22th hee saith that the said bill being since the signing thereof
sent from Spaine to fflanders the same hath bin since sent over
from thence to this Citty to Mr Tivill a Merchant here [?XXXX]
with order to Clayme the same for the use of the now claymer thereof
And further cannot depose.
To the 23th hee saith the said 1300 peeces of eight
were laden on board the said ship in the day tyme and within the
Command of the ffortresse at Mellega. And otherwise cannot
Top the 24th hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition
And otherwise cannot depose.
To the 25th and 26th Interrogat6ories hee saith hee knoweth not the
lawes of Spaine to which the matter interrated. But saith that
Plate and Money is commonly laden there and brought from thence
by tealth which if it should be discovered the King of Spaines officers
as he beleeveth would cause the same to be confiscated unlesse
by giving them some gratuity they be prevented, as comonly they
are by that meanes. And further cannot depose./.
Repeated in Court.
The .22th. day of September 1653/ [CENTRE HEADING]
The Clayme of the said Jaques Van}
Eyck for his silver in the Saint John Evangelist.}
Examined upon the said Allegation./
John de Vos of Ostend Commander of the
ship Saint John Evangelist aged 47 yeares or
thereabouts sworne and Examined/
To the first second and third articles of the said Allegation hee saith and
deposeth That in or about the moneth of Aprill last past there
was laden on board the ship the Saint John Evangelist whereof this
deponent then was and now is Commander in the Bay of Cadiz in
Spaine for the accompt and Riscoe of the arlate Jaques Van
Eyck: the Younger two Baratoones of silver of the first marke in the
margent weighing 69 markes and one bag conteyening [?600] peaces
of eight of Peru marked with the second marke in the margent
to bee transported in the said shippe from Cadiz to Ostend or Dunquirk
where the same was and is consigned to bee delivered to the sayd
Jaques Van Eyck the younger or to his Agents or Assignes for [?his]
propper use and Accompt which hee knoweth because hee this
deponent at the said tyme of the ladeing of the said Baratons and [?one]
bag of Plate on board the said ship being Commander thereof and
after the same was entred into his pursers booke did signe bills of
ladeing for the same accordingly as being laden
for the accompt and riscoe of the said Jaques Van Eycke the younger
who was and is generally accompted the
true and only owner thereof. And further cannot depose/