HCA 13/68 f.92r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.92r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window




28th of November 1653 [CENTRE HEADING]


Jacob Hennekyn of Stetteyn in Pomerland Master
of the Shipp the ffaith of Stetteyn aged 50 yeares
or thereabouts a witnesse produced and examyned in this cause
Deposeth as followeth.

To the first second and third articles of the said allegation hee sayeth and deposeth
That hee this deponent hath formerly beene examyned as a witnesse in a cause
depending in this court concerning the shipp the ffayth arlate and the
goods therein which shipp hee sayeth by his this deponents order and discretion
about twoe yeares [?since] was built at t Serdam in Holland and was there
bought and payd for by him this deponent for the accompt of the