HCA 13/68 f.75r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 75 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2016/11/18 |
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attempted to flee but submitted themselves, and most of the masters
in their shipps went aboard the Elizabeth And saith the sayd
ffleet nor any of them did not anyway assist the sayd 2 shipps that
fought against the Elizabeth nor had they or any of them that ever this deponent
heard any discourse with them or eyther of them. And otherwise he
cannot depose, saving he saith the sayd ffleet had not any intention
to resist or fight the sayd English shipp as he beleiveth.
To the seventh article of the sayd allegation he saith he hath heard it
commonly reported on the Exchange att Hamburgh that the arlate John Baptista
Yonker, Adrian Yonker Bartel Beakeman and Arne da Greave did
about 3 moneths now past buy the sayd ship Mercurius att Hamburgh
and otherwise he cannot depose.
To the eighth article of the sayd allegation he saith that the arlate ship the
Brewer whereof Claes van Reton is master, and the King David whereof
Witte Witteson is master, and the Saint Anthony whereof this deponent was and is
Master doe all belong to the sayd Port of Hamburgh where their Owners
doe all Inhabite, and the sayd shipps came now from Hamburgh sett
out by Hamburghers who had the quiet possession thereof and thither
should have returned agayne for the Accompt of Hamburghers
and saith noe subiect of the States of the United Provinces had or
hath any interest in the sayd three shipps nor any of them and that hee
knoweth the premises being the Master of the Saint Anthony and by
frequent conversation and discourse with merchants and others of
Hamburgh interessed in the sayd shipps. and otherwise cannot depose.
To the (sic) sayd Jacques Martin who as is sayd hath some goods laden
aboard the sayd shipps the Brewer and King David, hath for about
six yeares of this deponents knowledge bene an Inhabitant of Hamburgh
and for many yeares before by common repute. and otherwise he cannot
depose saving that the sayd Martin speaketh the ffrench tongue well
and saving that the sayd Martin is a Burgher of Hamburgh and
a subiect of the free State thereof and so accounted.
To the Crosse Interrogatories
To the first he saith he is master of the Saint Anthony and so hath bene since
May last and came first aboard her att Amsterdam and was in her att
the tyme of seizure.
To the 2. he saith that William Vreda is owner of 1/8 part of the sayd shipp
the Anthony William de Hartech of 1/8 part Rodolph Bearnberg of 1/8 part
Derrick Dobbler of 1/8th part and Jurgen Ulkin of 1/8 part Albert
Eylars of 1/16 part. Jan Eylders of 1/16 part. Berre Jacobson Carpfanger
of 1/16th part. Otto Paep of 1/16 part. Jan Mildew of 1/16 part and
this deponent of 1/16 part. and saith the sayd persons are all Hamburgh
borne and there have lived all their tyme and the sayd William Vreda and
William de Hartech live in the Ryck street. Rodolp Bearnbar in the Bakers
street. Jurgen Ulkin and Derrick Dobbler in the New burgh. Otto
Paep Berne Jacobson Carpfanger and this deponent and Jan Eylers in the
Kaerweder Jan Mildew in the Hospitall and Albert Eylars
in the Dyck street. And otherwise saving his foregoeing depositions
he cannor depose.
To the .3d he saith he hath knowne the shipp Mercury [?this] yeare, and
the fortune Bernard Verdunck Master, about 3 yeares, and the Carfanger
Barent Jacobson Carfanger master 2 yeares which sayd 2 shipps were built
in Holland, and the prophet Elias Simon Cornelison master 3 yeares
which was built in Holland, and the King David Witte Witteson master [?one] yeare and
the Matthias Claus Belliet master one yeare. and the Brewer Claes