HCA 13/68 f.68r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.68r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 25th of October 1653. [CENTRE HEADING]

The claime of Peter and Paul Talemont and}
others of the Greenland company in ffrance}
[?in] the [?Lewise] and the hunter. Suckley. Budd.}

Examined upon an allegation on the behalfe of the
said claimers, made in the acts of Court.


John Rousseau of Rochelle in ffrance Merchant aged
30 yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that hee well knoweth the shipps
Lewise and the hunter and that at the time of their seizure by the shipp or shipps
of this Commonwealth the said shipps the Lewise and the hunter and lading aboard them were in proprietie
belonging to Peter and Paul Talemont allegate and others being the Greeneland
company of ffrance, which others were and are by name Haques Bilbant, Anna Gasson
widowe of late Mr Bardet and Madame de Louvigne widowe, and to them they
are at present belonging together with their said ladinghe, which hee knoweth because
hee this deponent living with the said Jaques Bilbant and Mrs Gossen
(who dwell together at Rochelle) hath for severall yeares last past on the behalfe
and at the costs and chardges of the said owners set out and fitted the said shipps
from Rochell to sea for the said Greenland voyage, hee being therein and
thereto imployed by the said owners, who for several yeares last past have used
the said trade of sending shipps from ffrance to Greenland, which hee knoweth
having for tenn yeares last bin imployed by them in fitting and setting out their
said shipps, which from time to time accumstomed to retourne with their oile and
whale finnes from Greenland to haver de Grace for the accompt of the said owners and
claimers in this cause, and the said vessells have in their returne from Greenland
(as hee hath bin certainly informed) accustomed to come 1/2 the way of the Texel
on the coast of Holland to take in pilots to pilot and conduct them to
Haver de Grace, and this voyage they were to doe the [?lok] namely to take
pilots aboard at the Texel in their returne from Greenland to pilot them
to Haver de Grace, this deponent by direction of the said owners giving the
masters of the said vessells order soe to doe when they proceeded from Rochell
on the said voyage as he had formally oftentimes donne, and that the said
shipps were this voyage to retourne and come directly for haver de grace according
to the order given from the said producents to the masters and company of the
said shipps at the time of their proceeding from Rochall, and were not to
goe for Amsterdam or other place of holland or Zealand, but meerly as
aforesaid to take in a pilot at the Texel to bringe them for ffrance as
formerly they had severall times donne, and never before either went or
were ordered to goe for holland or Zealand but to retourne directly for ffrance
[?And] [?for] the reasons aforesaid hee saith hee well knoweth that noe other person
or persons saving the soid Greenland company of ffrance before named had
or hath any interest or share whatsoever in the said shipps and lading or
any part thereof. And lastly saith that there was an order or passe
grannted by the right honorable the Counsell of State of England for each
of the said shipps for the said voyage, which orders or passes, namely one
for each of the said shipps, and two for two other shipps set out by the
said company, this deponent hath seene under the seale of the said Counsell
being for the safe going and trading and retourning of the said shipps in the said voyage
and imployment to Greenland and back againe for haver de Grace. And
otherwise he cannot depose.


To the Interrogatories

To the first hee saith that the said shipp the Louisa was built in the River of
Charanton neare Rochell about eight yeares since by the same owners, and the
Hunter was bought by them in Holland about nine yeares since, and ever
since that time the said respective shipps have bin in the said Greenland Imployment
of the said owners of this deponents knowledge. and otherwise negatively saying
hee never went the said voyage to Greenland and saving as aforesaid

To the second and third hee cannot depose.

To the fourth hee saith the said shipps went out and began the said voyage from