HCA 13/68 f.672v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.672v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


In the Gunners store to the value of 50. li sterling. In her Carpenters
store to the value of [?.10] sterling and in her Boatswaynes store to
the value of 10. li sterling. And further that when the sayd shipp
was seized as aforesayd there did belong unto her a long boat
and a wherry with 18 oares which were utterly loste to the
Owners and were well worth 29. li sterling. The premisses he
knoweth being quarermaster in the sayd shipp and for the reasons aforesayd
And otherwise he cannot depose

To the 5th article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith That three did belonge
unto the sayd shipp 25 mariners besides the Master who had all of
them goods o board att the tyme of the sayd seizure for their
respective Accompts, and that teh sayd goods belonging to the
sayd Mariners (not accompting the Masters losses) were worth and
did amount unto 300 li sterling att the least ober and besides the losses
of improvement thereof ever sithence and that the sayd Mariners
had Chests Cloathes Instruments bookes and other necessaries on board
to the value of 250 li sterling or thereabouts, all which were
likewise seized by the order of the sayd King and the sayd Mariners
utterly deprived thereof of the sight and certaine knowledge
of this deponent and further cannot depose.


Nicholas Willyams [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]

Repeated before Doctor}
Godolphin and Doctor Clarke}