HCA 13/68 f.65v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.65v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


cabbin, and hide the said box and papers in the said [?XXXX] [?amongest] [?XXXX]
powder lying under the said cabbin, the said cabbin being the masters cabbin
and the place where this deponents master and hee kept and lodged before
and at the time of the said seizure. And saith that after his said master
was carried ashore, hee this deponent continued still aboard and
lodged in the said cabbin, and continued in her to the time of her
bringing up and to an anchor at Limehouse, and that on Sunday [?in ?the]
night last one Thomas Alderman a sea man put aboard by the Captaine
of the said frigot as master to bring her up, comming into the said cabbin
called the Carpenter of the said shipp unto him thether, and after the
said Carpenters comming to him, hee the said Alderman put this deponent
out and shutt the dore, and after the Carpenter and hee had bin about
halfe an hower within, the Carpenter came out, and this deponent [?and]
John Henderockson asking him what Mr Alderman did within, the Carpenter
presently asked him what there was under the cabbin in the [?case]
of canvas, and this deponent telling him a box and some papers, the
Carpenter said that Mr Alderman had found it, and would have the box
opened; and this deponent offering to open it for him, the said Alderman
said noe I will not have it opened I will carrie it to the [?PXXXX]
and soe tooke and laid it in his bedd in the said cabbin, and
this was a sunday night last. And the next morning the said Alderman
[?XXXX] tooke the said box and papers wrapt up in the said canvas and
put them uner his coate to carry them as hee said to the [?Parliaments] [?XXX]
and this deponent who lay in the cabbin seeing that offered to open
the said box for him againe, which the said Alderman refusing, [?XX]
deponent tooke hold of it and desired to have the papers that were
with it which being denied, hee said hee would goe alonge therewith
and soe got into the boate with the said Alderman, but this deponent
was by the souldiers forced out of the boate into the shippe, and [?soe]
the said Alderman carried the said box and papers away.



The 17th of October 1653. [CENTRE HEADING]

The claime of [?Nissin] Giovelli}
Abraham Gregia, Mosses Lacluke and}
Mayluff Palach merchants of Alexandria}
for their goods in the Saint ffrancis, John Arnoud master.}

Examined upon an allegation on the
behalfe of the said claimers.

Smith dt.


Alexander Gallico of Ligorne Marchant
aged 45 yeares or thereabouts, sworne and

To the first and second articles of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that
in or about the moneth of July in the yeare of our Lord 1651. the said
Beneditto Teresa, did att Leghorne lade and puttt on board the arlate shipp
the Saint ffrancis whereof John Arnao was Captaine or Master one bagg
of moneyes conteyning nynety and nine peices of eight coyne of peru
marked with the first marke in the margent, for the use and Accompt
of the arlate [?Nisson] Giovalli, which sayd Nissen Giovalli then was and [?still]
is the true and lawfull Owner of the sayd nynety and nyne peices of eight