HCA 13/68 f.652r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
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2017/10/02 |
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in a letter of advise form Marsellis he know
leaveth in the Registry of this Court for the better information
thereof, referring himselfe to the same touching the particular
Contents thereof. And further cannot depose saving that
by like Common fame the sayd Zollicoffers have their families
in Zwitzerland and reside in ffrance and elswhere onely as
merchants strangers and under noe other quality.
To the seventh article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that the foresaid
Matthias Cornelison upon his first arrivall here did acquaint
this deponent, that he the sayd Cornelison had order from the arlate
Tobias Zollicoffers the lader of the said goods that in case the
River of the Elve were frozen so as he could not gett thither he
should goe with the sayd goods to Dunkerke or Ostend and
there deliver the same to such as should have order to receyve
them from the sayd John Scothering. And otherwise he cannot
To the 8th article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that in the foresayd
letter of 8. Novembris 1653. which came to this deponents hands
17th of the same moneth as aforesaid, the arlate John Scothering
did advise this deponent of the lading of the sayd goods, and of their
coming for Hamburgh, and that the skipper in case the Elve
should be frozen was ordered for Dunkerke or Ostend, and that
he had taken care that John Baptista Cattawbi of Antwerpe
in case the shipp should come to fflanders should receyve the sayd goods.
And saith that in the said letter of advise the producent did desire
this deponent in case he could heare that the sayd vessell were arrived
or should arrive in fflanders, then to procure a license if it might
be for the bringing and selling of the sayd Currants or some
opart thereof att this port of London, and to write to the sayd Cornelison
and John Baptista Cattawni to that effect for the bringing
the sayd Currants hither upon such license onteyned, And upon the
bringing up of the sayd Currants to this Port, ordered this deponent
to sell the same for accompt of the producent and sayd Zollicoffers
and to remitt the proceed thereof videlicet 1/2 to the sayd producent
to Hamburgh and the other 1/2 to the sayd Zollicoffers. And
further cannot depose saving he saith by vertue of his oath that
he did receyve the foresayd letter of advise here in London from the
producents att Hamburgh upon the 17th day of November 1653. last
past and before the seizure in question.
To the ninth article of the sayd alegation This deponent saith that It appeareth
to this deponent by severall papers extracted out of the Court of Admiralty
att Tolone and sent to this deponent in letters of advise from
Marseille as and for true extracts, that the sayd Currants before
their lading into the sayd vessell the Peter were taken att sea
in the shippe the great Turke alias the Hope
by the Knights of Malta and brought in to Toloone, and there
adiudged prize; And by advises from
Marseilles doth likewise understand that the sayd Zollicoffers
bought the same after their condemnation for accompt of the
sayd John Scothering and themselves the sayd Zollicoffers
who afterwards laded the same on board the sayd shipp for like accompt
And further saving as aforesayd cannot depose.