HCA 13/68 f.629v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.629v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


was likewise personl. And further saith that after the death of the
said Abraham Palache the aclate david Palache brother to the
sayd Abraham and a subiect of the Kign of Morocco succeeded in the
same Embassy in Holland and there dyed. And saith that after
the death of the sayd David the arlate Samuel Palache alias Jacob [?Carlos]
party in the cause was by the sayd King of Morocco appointed and
made his Ambassador or Agent to the foresaid States of the united Provinces
and allso to the King of denmarke, and for and as such an Ambassador
and Agent be the said Samuel party in this suit was of the deponents
observacion and knowledge and for an as such he was and is
commonaly accounted reported and taken And this deponent [?secondly]
to have the more particular knowledge of the premises for that all the
foresaid Palaches above named as this deponent was and is
were and the said Samuell the son is of the Jewish race and Religion
whereof this deponent was a member who for about fifty yeares
[XXX] till within three yeares last past that this deponent hath resided
in England, was for the most part [XXX] in Holland otherwise
cannot depose.

To the 5th he saith he hath credibly heard the said Samuell Palache
party in this suit hath for theis three yeares last past constantly inhabited
in Hamburgh and further saiing as aforesaid cannot depose

To the 6th article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that it is [?usual]
for people of the Jewish Nation by reason that in some places they are
not admitted freely to trade, to have and make use of severall [p????]
and he hath credibly heard that the sayd Samuel Palache arlate is
called and knowne by the name also of Jacob Carlos, and saith he
hath lately here in London seene and discoursed with and Samuel
Palache the son Ambassador or Agent in Holland as aforesaid was and is
one and the same person and not divers. And further he cannot depose

To the Crosse Interrogatories

To the 1 he saith he knoweth well Samuell Palache interrogatorie and know
him from infant as aforesaid and conceyveth him to be able 36 or
37 yeares of age and saith he knew well his father and mother
who were both of the Jewish Nation but as he beleiveth borne in
Morocco. And Samuell Palache interrogatorie was borne as aforesaid in
Holland and in the Hague as this [??ondent] beleiveth. And fother
Saving as aforesaid hee cannot depose.

To the 2 he saith he knoweth nothing thereof

[signed:] Abraham Israel ben Atquino


The same day [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon the said allegation

Solomon ffranco of Cambridge Professor and Teacher of
the Hebrew Tongue aged 37 yeares or thereabouts a
witnesse sworne and examined deposeth and saith as follows

To the 1 2 and 3 actiles of the sayd allegation This deponent saith he cannot

To the forth and fifth articles of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that he
knoweth well the aclate Samuel Palache and so hath done from