HCA 13/68 f.620r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.620r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Mr Cludd and was present att the making of the sayd agreement and was a
witnesse to the foresayd bills, and saw the sayd Release made, and did with
his owne hand in the bookes of Accompts of the sayd Mr Cludd (then kept
by this deponent and lately perused by him) enter the sayd 75. li as so much
money as allowed by the sayd Mr Cludd for the sayd one sixteenth part of the sayd
shipp Nathan according to the foresayd Agreement And further cannot depose
To the 2. article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that in or about the
monethes of Aprill or May 1649 the tyme otherwise att present he remembreth
not the arlate Mr Cludd upon the receipt of the last moneyes due upon
the foresayd bills being 25 li pounds (which the sayd Todd did then and
not before pay to the sayd Mr Cludd) did make a Release unto the sayd Todd
but the sayd release was onely for the sayd moneyes so due upon the sayd
bills and not any way out of any pretense whatsoever or any
way relating to the sayd sixteenth part of the sayd shipp to [?hold] by
him the sayd Mr Cludd according to the foresayd Agreement, but it
was then intended and meant by them both aswell the Release as the
Release (as he conceyveth) that notwithsatnding the sayd Release yet he the sayd Mr Cludd
should hold and keepe his sayd sixeteenth part of the shipp Nathan as
aforesayd, and that the sayd Release was to be noe barr or hinderance
thereunto, The premisses he knoweth for that on behalfe of the sayd
Mr Cludd he received the sayd 25 li of and from Mr Bateman who payd the same in the name and on behalfe of the sayd Mr Todd, and did draw the
sayd Release and procured Mr Cludds hand and seale thereto as to a release
from the sayd money due upon the sayd bills onely, and in the name of the sayd Mr
Cludd did deliver the same to the use of the sayd Todd as and for a release for the sayd
moneyes due upon the sayd bills and the same was so receyved and accepted
and the sayd Todd when he desired the sayd release made not any mention att
all of the sayd 16th part of the sayd shipp, or interest that the sayd Mr Cludd
had therein.