HCA 13/68 f.564r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.564r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



for that he this deponent was
by his Owners and the Lords the States of Hamburgh absiolutely
forbidden to lade any such unfree goods
somuch this deponent hath often tymes affirmed and declared
and the same being truth doth now by vertue of his oath
affirme and declare, and otherwise he cannot depose

To the last he saith his deposition is true.


To the Crosse Interrogatories

To the 1 he saith the Patriarke Jacob came to Cadiz in June
last past, and the Crowne Imperiall in August last past and
both the sayd shipps remayned there in the bay of Cadiz till
towards the latter end of October last past and then sett sayle
in Companye together.

To the 2. he saith the Patrarcke Jacob is of the burthen of 280
tonnes more or lesse., and hath 18 gunnes mounted and
Crowne Imperiall is of about the like bignes, and hath about
16 or 18 gunnes mounted, and they were both bound for
