HCA 13/68 f.559r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.559r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


deponents reading over to him in the Dutch tongue the Copie of the deposition or examination
transmitted from ffalmouth, wherein is sayd that the sayd Heytman
did declare that the wines and other goods now aboard the sayd shipp
were all for the accompt of Mr Dobler of Hamburgh and for none
else or to that purpose the sayd Heytman did thereupon declare and
say that his examination in that particular was not truly sett downe
and that he had declared upon his examination that he was freighted
by Mr Dobler and for accompt of Hamburghers according to his
bills of lading. And saith that the sayd Dirick Dobler the father
being a Correspondent and kinsman of this deponent did about
12 monethes agoe send his son the arlate Dicick Dobler the
younger from Hamburgh to London about busines concerning
himselfe, and the sayd young man lodged in this deponents howse
till about June last past 1653 and then by his fathers order
went over from hence to Nantes to looke after his fathers busines
there and to learne the language and see the Countrey. and saith
that the sayd young man upon his arrivall att Nantes did by letters
acquaint this deponent that he had taken up his lodging with the
arlate widdow Wessells and Gerard Peters Correspondents of
his father and doeing busines for him and other merchants of
Hamburgh, and requested this deponent to direct letters to him
thither, which thos deponent accordingly did. And saith that about
the latter end of November last past he this deponent received
a letter from the sayd Dirick Dobler the younger from Nantes dated
in the sayd moneth and that he therein certifyed this deponent
that he was taking to freight the arlate shipp Justie Dirick
Heytman Master to carry a lading of wine and goods for his
father to Hamburgh. and in December last past this deponent
receyved another letter from the same youngman dated from Nantes
wherein he signifyed that he had freighted and laded the sayd
shipp with wyne brandy and prune, for accompt of his father
and that there came along also some small quantityes of like
goods for accompt of the sayd John Jacobson Carpfanger Abram
Vander weeden and John Deakins of Hamburgh all consigned
for Hamburgh, desiring this deponent to procure a passport
here for safe passage of the sayd shipp and goods to Hamburgh
and the sayd letter was delivered to this deponent long before
this deponent had any notice of the seizure in question, and was
and is a true letter and not feigned or Colourable, And this
deponent hath likewise receaved severall other letters from the sayd
person all to the same effect and all reall and true and before
the newes of the sayd seizure, as also a letter from Dirick Dobler
the father from Hamburgh intimating that he did expect
a shipps lading of ffrench wines and goods from his son and
Agent att Nantes. And further cannot depose./

To the 2 article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that he