HCA 13/68 f.557r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 557 |
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2016/04/30 |
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so have bene many yeares. And saith that the foresayd persons all
and every of them of the certaine knowledge of this deponent in the
monethes of May June July August September and October
arlate of this presente yeares 1653 now currant, and att the tyme
of the lading of the sylver now in question and for many moneths
before and many of them for many yeares before have driven
and doe drive a fair and present trade from Hamburg to Cadiz
in Spaine for sylver, and thither have and doe usually send peice
goods of great value to be returned in sylver and have had and
have their respective factors att Cadiz and Sevilia of their owne kinred and
alliance to receyve such goods and make such returnes and to
mannage the sayd trade, for them, and that some of the sayd persons have
formerly lived in Spaine about Saint Lucar and Cadiz in their youth
mannaging the like factories for their Ancestors and freinds merchants
of Hamburgh and particularly the sayd daniel Brands, Jeronimo
Snitgar and ffrancis Wallich. all which this deponent knoweth aswell
by the constant and continued fame and repute att Hamburgh
(where this deponent hath lived all his tyme) touching such trade of
the sayd merchants the persons above named and by frequent discovert
and conversation with them upon occasion of such trade, and allso
of their factors residing att Cadiz being Hamburghers and
kinsmen of the foresayd persons all likewise well knowne to this deponent
as for that he this deponent hath himselfe carryed goods from
the foresayd persons merchants of Hamburgh from Hamburgh to
Cadiz, and there delivered the same to the barkiers of their respective factors, and
hath receyved returnes of sylver consigned to
most of the persons merchants of Hamburgh as is hereafter mmore particularly
sett forth. And otherwise he cannot depose.
To the second and third Articles of the sayd allegation This deponent saith
that the sayd Antonio de Labistrat and other the the persons above particularly
mentioned of the sight and observation of this deponent did send
severally from Hamburgh severall parcells of peice goods of
great value consigned for Cadiz in Spaine severall monethes
before the sylve in question was laden, videlicet before October last
past 1652, when this deponents shipp and the Patriarke Jacob lay
in the bay of Cadis and particularly a shipp or flute of Hamburgh
whereof Peter Nove was Master which goods in their Course for Cadiz
were seized by the ffrench and departed from Hamburgh with the sayd goods
so consigned in May last, and likewise on board the ffortune of
Hamburgh Berent Carpfanger Master which departed from Hamburgh
likewise in May last and arrived and delivered her goods safely
att Cadiz for accompt of the sayd persons interessed in this cause and
this deponent saw the sayd shipp ffortune depart for Cadiz towards
Hamburgh in September last past; And moreover that in the
moneth of July last past 1653. now Currant the foresayd Antonio da
Labistraet ffrancis Sloyer, Hans [?Garts], daniel Brands, Hieronimo
Snitgar Adrian Youncker Joachim Van Campen Albert Ankelman
the foresayd Rolands, Wallich and John Baptista Youncker did att Hamburgh