HCA 13/68 f.552v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.552v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



To the 6th article he saith that the sayd Richard Bromwell and
Company over and above the losses aforesayd have by meanes
of the sayd seizure suffered the losse of 600 li sterling for the
freight of the merchants goods aboard he sayd shipp the
voyage in question, and severall other losses and dammage
which this deponent cannot certainly specify or declare
And otherwise hee cannot depose,saving that the sayd
shipp was really worth 100 li sterling per moneth to be lett
and that 13 men of the sayd shipp continmued in Denmarke without imployment
att the Charge of the sayd Owners for 9 monthes to the dammage
or value of about 40 li per moneth.

Salter WW Walters
his marke [MARKE, RH SIDE]


The 20th day of January 1653.

The Clayme of Jaques Martin of}
Hamburgh for the goods lately}
seized in the ffortune of Stralsund}
of which Cornelius Janson is Master}
by the Elias of which John Best}
was Commander Suckly Budd}

Cornelius Janson of Stralsund
under the Dominions of the Queene of
Swethland Mariner Master of the sayd
shipp the ffortune aged 40 yeares or
thereabouts a witnes sworne and examined
deposth an saith as followeth. videlicet.

To the .1. article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith That in the
moneth of September last past 1653 the arlate shipp the ffortune
unde rthe Conduct of this deponent arrived at the Port of
Hamburgh from Riga, and saith that after the same had
layne about three weekes in the River of Elve the arlate