HCA 13/68 f.513v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.513v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


of Dunkerke for all the sayd tyme have bene and are the reputed owners
of the sayd shipp; but of whom they bought her or for what he knoweth
not neyther knoweth he where she was built nor by whomm. nor sawe
he any money payd for the same. And further cannot depose.

To the 2. he saith he hath heard the skipper of the shipp was borne at
Gannt, but his present dwelling is att Dunkerke where he hath his wife
and family and hath there lived 17 yeares and upwards. And this
deponent was borne att Lutzenburgh beond the Rhyne under the Crowne
of Spayne, and was brought a Child to Dunkerke where he hath lived
all his tyme videlicet from an Infancy of a yeere and a halfe old, and
there now lives with his wife and family. And beleiveth that all
or most part of the Dolphins Company are fflandrians or borne
and living in some of the adioyning Provinces under the Crowne of
Spaine one common man excepted by name John Baptista whom is
an Italian.

To the .3. 4. and 5th Interrogatories he saith that the foresayd shipp Dolphin upon
the 4th day of January last past sett sayle from Dunkerke upon her last
voyage, and fell downe to Mardeke and from thence departed in her Ballast
about the 13th day of the same moneth and in her ballast sayled directly
for Burdeaux and there receyved her present lading on board
her being 170 fatt of wyne or thereabouts, and from thence
sett sayle upon her Course for Dantzycke whither she was bound
with the sayd wynes, and in her Course was seized and brought
up into this River to Blackwell where she remayned. but
for whose accompt the sayd wines were laden, or by whom
for his part he knoweth not nor hath heard. And further or
otherwise he saith he cannot depose.