HCA 13/68 f.512v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.512v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Sola master of the said shipp hath lived there about twenty
yeares last , and hath bin a maried man there about 18 yeares
and saith that hee this deponent was borne at wominghen in
fflanders, and the master as hee hath hears was born at Gannt
and saith that the Carpenter is of Saint Omers and hath lived
longe in Dunquirke, and that the rest of the shipps company
are of fflanders and elsewhere in the Kinge of Spaines dominions
in the Netherlands, saving one named John Baptista who
is a Genoese.

To the third, fourth, and 5th hee saith that the master hired
this deponent and the rest of the company at Dunquirke to serve in the
said shipp by the moneth without specification of the place
or places whether they should goe, but hired them (as the
manner there is in such cases) for 99 places, and not to be
bound to the hundreth, and saith the said shipp departed
from Dunquirke in ballast on the tenth or thereabouts of
January last, and went right to Bourdeaux, and there
tooke in her lading of wines, which as the master said was
to be carried to and dischardged at Dantzike, but told
not this deponent for whose accompt it was, neither doth
this deponent knowe for whose accompt it was or is,
and being laden they departed towards Dantzike, and have
not bin before their seizure in any port but Bourrdeauxx
since their departure from Dunquirke, and that the said
lading consists of about 175 fatts of wine, the premisses hee
deposeth going the said voyage to Bourdeaux and seeing the
said lading and being aboard at the saizure, And otherwise
hee cannot depose.