HCA 13/68 f.492v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 492 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2016/11/13 |
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The fourth of ffebruary 1653.
The claime of John Scothering and}
Paul Logerman for their goods in the Peter}
Matthias Cornelison master.}
Suckley. Budd.}
Examined upon the allegation on the
behalfe of the said Claimers.
Jacob Gevers of Hamborough Mariner aged [?XX]
yeeres or thereabouts sworne and examined
To the first article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that hee well
knoweth the producent John Scothering and hath soe donne for all the time [?XXXXX]
[?XXX], during which space the said John Scothering hath lived and bin an
Inhabitant of Hamborough wherein hee th said John was borne and was and
is a subiect of that free state, and a marchant, and for theise eighteene
or nineteene yeares last hath bin and is one of the Senators and Magistrates
of that citie, and that hee was and is a greate dealer and trader and
a merchant for ffrance Spaine, Italy, and into the Levant and most of the
considerable places of trade in Europe and Asia, and to that purpose he had
and hath many factors and correspondents in those parts unto whom hee
useth to send, and to receive from them many and greate parcells and quantities
of merchandizes, and for such a person as aforesaid, and a merchant
of soe greate dealing hee the said John Scothering was and is Commonly
accompted and reputed; All which hee knoweth being borne and having for
all his time dwelt in Hamborough, where hee hath had speciall knowledge
of the said Scothering, being a person of such eminence and dealings
for that hee this deponent hath out and homewards in severall yeares
and voyages carried many parcells of goods for him (in severall shipps
whereof this deponent hath bin commannder and whereof hee the said Scothering
hath bin part owner) for Spaine and into the streights and home
againe, and having nowe goods for him brought from Venice in the
Wheele of ffortune by this deponents present shipp, and knowing of the
goods that hee hath lately had in Peter Van dame, Thomas Utey[?XXX]
Martin holst and other hamburger shipps from the streights from
Marseilla, Ligorne, and Venice. And otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the second and sixth articles of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth
that there hath bin for many yeares last and is a very eminent and
considerable familie of merchants of greate accompt and dealing called
and knowne by the name of the Solicoffers, being a familie of
a dozen persons, brokers, cozen germans and Nephews of that name and
have setled houses of factorie and merchandizes at Marseilla, Allicant
Genoa, Lyons, and Wienen in Austria and other places, and that one
of them named Tobias Solicoffer was
and is Consul for the Hamburgers and other hansa townes at Marseilla,
and saith they were and are Switzers by birth [?XX]
and descending from Saint FGalo in Switzerland where ther principall
residence is, and saith they are accustomed to proceede and come by two
or three at a time from their said residence at Saint Galo's to Marseilla
and Lyons, and to stay there three or four monethes and then returne or goe to other of their factories and
other of the familie to come in their places, and after that manner or for
longer or shorter time they use to supplie their other factories, All which hee
knoweth having bin a whole yeare with them at Marseila, and having
carried goods to them from Hamborough, and back againe, and particularly