HCA 13/68 f.47v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 47 |
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Ross Keel | |
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2015/11/28 | |
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Revised and edited on 25/05/2016 by Colin Greenstreet |
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The 1st of October 1653 [CENTRE HEADING]
[?Chelston] and company}
against the shipp the greate christofer}
Examined upon the aforesaid Interrogatories.
Joachim Wise of Stettin Carpenter of the said shipp
the greate Christofer, aged 44 years or thereabouts
sworne and examined.
To the first, second and third Interrogatories hee saith and deposeth that hee well
knoweth the greate Christofer interrogated and was one of her company at
such time as shee was seized by Captaine Swaine, and saith shee
was built in Stettin and that this her first voyage, and that Philip
Radclife, one Tonnebinders widowe, and Andrew hawntowe and Michaell
[?Crunyel] her master were and are her owners, and all dwellers in
Stettin and Subjecte of the Queen of Sweden and caused the said shipp
to be built, and then the said master is the greatest part owner, but what
part each hath in the said shipp hee knoweth not, And that this deponent
is alsoe a Stettin man. And otherwise hee cannot depose, saving the shipps [?merchants]
are all Stettinmen.
To the fourth hee saith the said owner have lived in Stettin all their
lives, where as hee taketh it, they were borne) and hee hath knowne
thenmthere dwelling theise twenty years last, and otherwise
negatively saving as aforesaid.
To the fifth hee saith that the said shipps lading at the time of her
seizure consisted in hemp namely about a hundred bundles and a halfe
of hemp, sixteen fatts of potashes and two hundred tonne of
linseed, all laden at Riga in Liefland under the Queene of Sweden
by herman Barker to be carried there to Dunquirke and then
to bee delivered to his the said hermans barker, but for whose accompt
hee knoweth not. And otherwise hee cannot depose, saving the shipps [?owners]
had also a last of barley and also a last of tarr, and the master hath some [?pXXXX]
and other goods aboard.
To the 6th hee cannot depose.
To the 7 hee saith hee was never in ffrance, and that hee knoweth [?not]
the said Barkers brother to whenn the goods were consigned.
To the 8 hee saith hee was hired at Stettin to goe to Riga and thence to
Dunquirke with this said shipp and then to finish the voyage, and was
not agreed wuth the master [?XXX] [?XXXX] hee should have more than a common man which was 20 [?Rix] [?dollars]
To the 9 hee saith the said shipp was taken on the open sea by Captaine
To the 10th hee saith hee cannot depose.
To the 11th hee saith that hee never knewe the said harman Barker
before the said time hee sawe him at Riga where hee dwelleth, and
otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the 12 hee cannot depose, saving as aforesaid.
To the 13 and 14. negatively for his part and otherwise hee cannot depose.
The marke of
[MARKE] said [?Wise]
The 22 day of October
The keepers et cetera against the Supply. et cetera}
Examined upon the sayd allegation.
Thomas Fettiplall of Shadwell in the County of
Middlesex Waterman aged one and thirty yeares
or thereabouts a witnes sworne and examined deposeth
and saith as followeth. videlicet.
To the first article of the sayd allegation Hee saith he cannot depose saving [?XXX]
James [?Lashly] arlate was and is master of the sayd shipp the Abraham
To the second article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that he hath [?XXX]
that the arlate shipp the Abraham was about the moneth of September
last past imployed by some of the Agents of this Commonwealth for [?the]
carrying of some bedds and furniture to Saint Johnstons in [?Stotham]
and knoweth that some beds were laden aboard the sayd shipp in the