HCA 13/68 f.469r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.469r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


the Fukedome of Holsteyn, where hee had his education, and is at present a Subject
of the said ffree State of Hamburg where hee hath dwelt for about 7 yeares last
past, and for the most part of that time hath lived with one Dittelof Stollye a
Merchant and Burgher there./:-


To the 4:th hee saith hee went last from Hamburgh for Roane aboard a Hamburgher
shipp (Claus van [?Vleysen ] Master) upin Merchandizing affaires by the firection of
Dittelof Stolly aforesaid, and saith hee was never before in ffrance:-/


To the 13. he saith, the lading of the said shipp the 'Saint John consisted of brande
wyne and piece goods, all belonging to Hamburghers so farr as this deponent knoweth
beleeveth or hath ever heard./

To the 14 negatively to every part thereof.