HCA 13/68 f.461r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.461r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Generall of the United Netherlands, And saith hee doeth not knowe beleeve
or hath heard that the said Claus Luys doeth make use of his owne
name or any others to colour Hollanders or ffrenchmens goods, neither did this deponent
ever knowe him doe soe./

To the 9th hee answereth negatively to every part thereof/

To the 10th hee saith hee this rendent received order by word of mouth from the
said producent about the goods now Claimed videlicet about Whitsuntide last in
the house of the said producent at Hamburgh, hee ordered this depoennt to goe in
the said shipp the Saint George from Hamburgh to Roane and so to Paris in
ffrance, and there to buy for his said Masters accompt, such goods wares and
Merchandizes as hee should find to be most beneficiall for him, or to that
effect, which order hee saith and declared in the Hamburger or High dutch
speech, such as is ususall there./

To the 11th hee saith, That hee remembreth not at present the particular valewes
of the goods now in question, but beleeveth they were and are worth about 4000
french Crownes or silver Crownes And saith that one Mr Lunerole a Merchant here in London hath
order and authority from the producent to be assistant to this deponent for the
receovery of the goods in question, and saith hee this deponent receaved a letter from the
said producent Dated the 18th day of October last past
which hee received from Mr Richard Hands a Merchant here at London, wherein
the said producent intimated that full authority was by him and others given to
Mr Peter Vandeputt of London Merchant to act for them concerning the restitution
of their goods in the said shipp the Saint John of Hamburgh:/

To the 13. hee saith, the said shipp the Saint John was laden with severall sorts
of goods wares and merchandizes many of them of the same qualities with the
goods predeposed, and saith hee hath no share in any goods laden aboard the said shipp
And otherwise negatively referring himselfe to his foregoing deposition.

To the 14, negatively to every part thereof.

dierich [?XXXXXche] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 8.th day of December 1653:-/ [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon the said Allegation



Claus Vos of Hamborough merchant aged
.23. yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined saith
and deposeth as followeth videlicet.

To the first article of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth, That in
the moneth of August last past this deponent being at Roane in ffrance
upon Merchanizing affaires did then and there see and observe that his
precontest dierich Warnicke together with one John Robert a ffactor