HCA 13/68 f.44r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 44 |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 15/07/2015 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_115_06_9641.jpg | |
First transcriber | |
Sara Fox | |
First transcribed | |
2015/07/15 |
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Marine Lives Tools
the sole hazard and ad, which he knoweth for the reasons
aforesayd, and varily Golsliosly? gat? noe Scotlander or any other pson (person?)
dubious/jealous? of the states of the united provinces or of the ffrench King
or of any Prince or State in hostility? with the Commonwelth of England
had? or hath? any right title or interest? in the same or any gt thereof?
And further Cannot depose saving that the aforesayd owner of the
sayd goods did acquaint this deponent severally and respectively all the
severall fyrrwd? of having the land? gal? the payd goods and merchandises
were their own goods and laden on for their owne accompt and in risgo
irespectivaly? and otherwise cannot deposd.
To the fifth al of the payd atton? this deponent faith? gal? after the said
severall goods wands? andpurishandifor? . Severally mentioned as aforesayd
were laden aboard the sayd ship the 'young Boer' the sayd shipp did -
Set sail to with the sayme from Revell aforesayd towards Amstordam
and in the fourfie? afterwards? was wily? for loading taken? $? surprised
by some of the shipps of the comonwaalth? and gal? at the tyme?
of the takeing and surprizeing of the sayd shipp and her ladeing all
and singular the sayd wheat rye barley, flax and coalgar? were
on board her and came into the possession of them who surprized
the sayd shipp, all which he knoweth being present and aboard att the
sayd tyme of seizure and otherwise cannot depose.
To the sixth article of the sayd allon This deponent saith and deposeth -
that the arlate John Hawkes, Jacob Hoffener, Claes Stedding, Constans
Corfemaker, Derrick Hetling, Mathias Witt Thomas Eyks, Hans
Loer, and Claes Yut, were and are Swedes and every of then by common - -
repute was and is a Swede and the accompted, and saith that of his
certayne knowledge they and every of them in the sayd monethes of -
May and June and att the severall tyme and tymes of the severall
ladeing and putting of the sayd severall goods and merchandises
aboard and for two yeares before of this deponents knowledge
and for ten years and upwards before by common repute, and continually
since were and are Burghers and inhabitants of Revell in Swethland
and for all the sayd tyme were and are subjects of the Queene of
Swedland and so accounted, and every one of them was and is a subject
of the sayd Queene of Swedland and for and as such commonly accounted -
reputed and taken. the premises? he well and knoweth having often traded
with his shipps att Revell and having made severall voyages with the
goods of the said respective Owners, by which means he comes to have
particular and distinct knowledge of them and every of. And otherwise
cannot depose.
To the last he saith the? depositions are true And agorwife? cannot deposes
To the Cross Interrogatorys [CENTRE HEADING]
To the one he saith he was and is master of the sayd shipe the 'young Boer', and
so hath been for these 2 yeares now passd, and tooke first Charge of her gorath?
Amsterdam, and was aboard her att the tyme of seizure