HCA 13/68 f.427r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 427 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2016/02/26 |
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he came not to understand till his comeing up to this Citty and upon perusall
of a Copie of his sayd examination by an Interpreter, he this deponent did then
take exception thereunto and affirmed that the same was not putt downe
according to his mind and that he was misunderstood and injured therein
and that he had not throwne any papers or writings any way concerning
the sayd shipps present lading over board since he came from Cadiz nor had
so deposed att Plymouth as in the sayd examination sent from thence [?XX XX] as
it seemes expressed. And otherwise cannot depose./
To the thirteenth article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that the sayd daniel
Brands Adolph Sampton Jan Norris and this deponent were and are all
Hamburghers borne and so accounted, and every of them was and is
an Hamburgher borne. And the sayd Brands, Sampton Norris this deponent and
the sayd Basilius a Bastill have beene and are one and every of them hath bene
and is a Burgher of Hamburg and so hath bene for 20 yeares last past and
upwards and att Hamburgh have lived with their families respectively
for 20 yeares last past and upwards, and there every of them with their
respective familyes now live, and the sayd persons for all the sayd tyme
have bene and every of them hath bene and is a subiect of the free
State of Hamburgh and for and as such commonly accounted reputed and
taken. But where the sayd Basilius a Bastill was borne this deponent
knoweth not. And otherwise cannot depose
To the Crosse Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first he referreth himselfe to his foregoing depositions and his deposition
here taken in preparatorie, wherein he hath fully satisfyed the contents of this
Interrogatory and further cannot depose
To the second he saith that he this Rendent by birth and habitation an Hamburgher
as in his foresayd deposition sis sett forth was and is master of the sayd shipp. And
for full satisfaction to this Interrogatory saith That the sayd shipp the Patriarke
Jacob was built att Amsterdam in the yeare 1648, and the first voyage she
made was in the beginning of the yeare 1649. from Amsterdam to Saint Mallo
in her ballast. and in the same yeare she sayled from Saint Mallo to Madril
12 leagues from Granada in Spayne. and in the same yeare from Madrill to
Malaga. and from Malaga to Amsterdam in the same yeare 1649. and then
this Rendent went himselfe to Hamburgh to accompt with his sayd owners leaving
his shipp it being very late in the yeare aa Amsterddam where she lay that winter and in the yeare 1650
sayled her in her ballast from Amsterdam to Saint Mallo. from Saint Mallo to Allicant in the same
yeare, but in his passage before he made Alicant was seized by the ffrench
Cavall[?rires] who carryed him to Tholone, where he was plundered, and then went
to Alicant whither he was first designed: And from Allicant sayled the sayd shipp
to Havre da Grace in the same yeare 1650. and stayd there that winter. and 1651
sayled her from Havre da Grace to Cales, and from thence to Havre da Grace
back againe in the same yeare. and there wintered. And in the yeare 1652
sayled the sayd shipp from Havre da Grace to Cales, and back againe to Havre da
da Grace the same yeare, from whence it being late in the yeare he went in person
to Hamburgh by Land to accompt with his Owners, leaving the sayd shipp that winter att
Havre da Grace, And in May last past sett sayle with the sayd shipp to Cales
being her last outward voyage, and being now bound for her owne port of
Hamburgh she was in her Course taken and carryed into Plymouth where shee
now remaynes, All which he knoweth having sayled in her all the sayd voyages as
Master of her. And otherwise cannot depose.