HCA 13/68 f.414r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.414r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


in the sayd shipp from Riga to this port of London here to be delivered for the
accompt aforesayd. and that he this deponent did assist the sayd Edward [?Nixon]
att and in the buying of the sayd wainscott Clapboards pipestaves deales
and oares for the accompt aforesayd And that the sayd shipp departed with the sayd
goods towards London and in her Course putt into Copenhagen under the
dominon of the King of denmarke where this deponent saw her with her
sayd goods on board in September 1652 he this deponent being then likewise
there. And saith that in the sayd monethes of July and September the foresayd
shipp was an able staunch and goods shipp and was of the burthen of 300 tonns
or thereabouts having about .14. gunnes and was with her sayd gunnes
tackle and furniture well worth 2000 li sterling in the Judgement of this
deponent who further declareth and deposeth that the sayd shipp with her
lading after her such arrivall


The 28th day of December 1653

Examined upon the foresayd allegation



John Harrison of Wapping in the County of Middlesex
Mariner aged 37 yeares or therabouts a witnes
sworne and examined deposeth and saith as followeth

To the sayd allegation and severall articles therein he saith that in the yeares 1652
and 1653, and particularly in July and August 1652 and february 1653 last
past the arlate Thomas Nonner and Company were owners of the sayd shipp the
ffreindshipp of Newcastle Edward Nixon Master and that about the sayd moneth
of July the sayd shipp under commannd of the sayd Nixon arrived at Riga
wherein this deponent then likewise was with his shipp the Ostrich, and saith that
the sayd shipp ffreindshipp riding neere to this deponents there, he saw
severall great quantities of hempe flax and Clapboard and the like goods
ladeb aboard her, and in particular saith that amongst the rest the foreayd
Nixon for accompt of himselfe and owners did in July and August 1652
att Riga lade aboard his sayd shipp severall parcells of flax wainscot and
Clapboard the certaine quantity or value whereof he knoweth not to be in the
sayd shipp and for the sayd accompts transported to London whither his sayd
shipp was then bound, And saith that the sayd shipp ffreindshipp having with the sayd goods
aboard her departed from Riga and in her Course to London putt into |Copenhagen
where this deponent saw the sayd shipp with her sayd goods in her in September
1652. And saith that the sayd shipp ffreindshipp with her lading was in the sayd moneth of
September deteyned, and in ffebruary next following of the sight of this
deponent in a warlike and hostile manner absolutely[?XX] into the hands of