HCA 13/68 f.40r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.40r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


master, And the sayd author was of this deponents sight [?] to a cable[?]
which did belong to the sayd shipp the supply and was [?] thereunto
And otherwise cannot depose.

To the 10th aticle of the sayd allegtion This deponent saith that of this deponents
sight the sayd Anchor lay in a plate in the River of Thames where
shipps doe usually ride, and often pass, And saith that the sayd Anchor
att the tyme of the building of the [?] [?]. Thereon, as aforesayd
of the certine knowledge of this deponent who sett the sayd anchor
and saw the shippe [?] theron had now buoy or any marke whereby
it might be seene or [?] that any Anchor law there. And otherwise
he cannot depose.

To the [?] he saith it is the Custome of the River of Thames that
every Anchor [?] in the river mast and out to have a buoy to it whereby it may be
discovered and knowne, and that all damages happening by anchors that
wont buoys must and ought to be made good and [?] by the shipps
whereunto such anchors belong and by the [?] of such shipps, which
he knoweth being a mariner and hath belonged to this port of London
and river of Thames for theis 16 yeares now past. And otherwise
referring himself to the law he cannot depose.

To the twelth article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that by means
of bilging the sayd shipp the Commonwealth hath [?] damages
[?] and besides the particulars aboev mentioned, in the [?]
of part of the [?] of the sayd shipp and in [?] ways [?]
and loss[?] of tyme, and also in being [?] of a Convoy
wherewith the sayd shipp should have gone; to a [?] [?], but
to what value in certayne he knoweth not nor can estimate as he
saith. And otherwise cannot depose

To the Cross Interrogatories

To the .1. he saith he is one of the Company of the Abraham and comes
to be a witnes by contraint and rder of Captain Kolke an Agent for
this Commonwealth and otherwise negatively.

To the .2. he saith the bilge or damage happened in the fore part of
Lough of the Abraham. And saith he heard the interate James
Lasky and Mr fflint tell Mr Pakes the master of the supply that the anchor
which lay under the bough of their sayd [?] the Abraham was the
sme which did the damage to the sayd vessall, and heard them desire
the sayd Oakes to doe what he could to remove the sayd Anchor. And
otherwise cannot depose.

To the third he saith that after the shipp Abraham was weighed upp
[?] the next day after as he remembereth, this deponent did [?]
a small broken anchor with [?] and [?] of a [?] but without [?], but he saith the sayd broken
anchor did not the damage in question, for he saith the sayd broken
anchor lay the distance of 25 shipps breadth from the place where the Abraham[?]
was bilged, and the sayd broken anchor was loose and not tyed to any
ahipp, and the anchor that did the damage was of this deponents
sight and fooling[?] fastened by ropes to the sayd shipp supply, and
moreover saith that the Anchor which did the damage was of the [?]
of the deponent and certane knowlege a whole anchor and not broken and had her [?] and [?] [?].