HCA 13/68 f.398r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.398r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


replyed and sayd yea or yes with all my harte or to the like effecte And
further hee cannot depose./

To the 5th and 6th and 7th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith and deposeth
that before the seizure of the Golden Lyon arlate the sayd three Captaines Jesson
Read and Wilson had all notice where the Golden Lyon lay and did agree to endeavour
the surprizall of her and to that purpose with their three shipps met togeather
on the Tuesday towards night [?next] before the [?sezure] of the Golden Lyon in a place
in James River within sight of the sayd shipp Golden Lyon and
the sayd Captaine Jesson
having privately sent away some of his shipps company in the night
tyme in a boate towards the Golden Lyon to endeavour the surprizall of her
without the knowledge of the other two Captaines and their Companyes (as this
deponent beleeveth) on the Wednesday morning
the sayd three Captaines Jesson Read and Wilson with their three shipps the William
and John the 7 Sisters and the Charles weighed Anchor and made foreward
towards the Golden Lyon with intente to surprize her continueing allwaies
in sight of her but the winde and tyde not serving to get up soe farr
as the Golden Lyon laye, they all came againe to Anchor within
sight of the Golden Lyon untill the Thursday morning, and then weighed
Anchor againe with intente still to goe forward and surprize the sayd shipp
Golden Lyon, and as they were in their course towards her and about three
myles distant from her and within sight of her some of the sayd Captaine
Jessons men came in a wherry and brought word that the sayd shipp
the Golden Lyon had submitted And further saving his subsequent
depositions hee cannot depose./

To the 8th and 9th articles...

To the 10th 11th and 12th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith and deposeth
that hee well knoweth that the shipp the Golden Lyon is above two
hundred tonnes and had some divers musketts pikes swords and other armes and ammunition on board her after her seizure which hee hath seene [?XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX] and hath heard
some of the sayd Jessons men who seized her confesse and saye that they had
not above 11 or twelve men at the most of their Company when they seized
her and that the sayd Golden Lyon had then on board her fifteene men, And hee
this deponent is verily persuaded in his conscience and doth really beleeve
that the Company of the Golden Lyon, (being soe well provided of weapons and