HCA 13/68 f.370r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.370r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window




Thomas Crispe of London merchant aged about 50
yeares a witnesse produced sworne and examined in this cause
deposeth as followeth

To the second third fowreth fifth and sixth articles of the said allegation hee sayeth and deposeth
That for theis twenty yeares last past or thereabouts hee this deponent hath beene imployed
by the Company of English merchants tradeinge for Guinny and Bynny in Africa and
divers tymes within the said tyme hath made voyages from London thither and from thence
backe againe And thereby well knoweeth the Ports of Cormantine Arma[?trabe] and the [?trade]
and traffique thereunto belonging. And sayeth That the ffactors and agents of and for the
Gynney Company arlate did formely purchase the said Ports of Cormantine and
Anomaboo and the whole [?Xeads] of the Country were thereunto of the Kinge of ffan[?tine
whoe was commonly reputed the Cheife Comannder and [?pXXXX] thereof and by
his order and Command were putt in peaceable and quiet possession thereof
whereof being soe possest of as afforesaid the said Company att theire Costs and charges did build
a Castle att Cormantine and an [?howse] att Annamabo for the [??setlement] of their afayres
and aqu[?XXX]eringe their ffacorues and tradeing there And to declare and give notice
uppon the arrivall of any shipp at the said Ports That the same did belong to the
English hee sayeth That there was delivered to the Captayne or Comannder in cheife
of the Towne and Port of Anamabo an English fflagg which was displayed usually uppon
the arrivall of any shipp And likewise sayeth That in the yeare 1649 hee this deponent
being imployed bu the Guinney Company [?XXXXX] as theire Principall ffactor and
Commannder for the Gould Coast for the said Companys use did Purchase of the King of
ffa[?bie] arlate the Port of Cape Coast and all the Trade of the Countrey [?neere] thereunto
adioyning whereby he this deponent [?XXX] the said Companyes ffactor was putt in quiet and peaceable possession
thereof where there was a howse built and a ffactory erected for maynteynences
of a trade there where this deponent some tymes hath Lived
and att other places and Ports which were purchased and