HCA 13/68 f.367v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.367v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window




The 14th of October 1653 uppon the allegation on the
behalfe of the Claymers

The Clayme of Beake and Mathewes for}
the Shipp the Saint John and the wynes}
and vinager in her}


Peter Some Servant unto Mr Peter
Mathewes one of the producents in this cause
with whome hee hath lived for allmost theis
five yeares last past aged about 21 yeares a
witnesse produced and examyned Deposeth as followeth.

To the first articles of the said allegation hee sayeth and DEposeth That for theis twoe
moneths last past his this deponent with Peter Mathewes one of the Producents in this cause hath [?beene]
and still is commonly reputed the lawfull owner and Proprietor of the Shipp the Saint
John arlate his Tackle and ffurniture and sayeth hee hath heard his masyer Mr
Peter Mathews acknowledge That the arlate Mr Arnold Beake had likewise a share
in the said Shipp And further cannot depose saveinge That hee this deponent
by the directions and order of the said Peter Mathewes one of the Producents did
pay for the said Shipp upon a Bill of Exchange drawen from Holland uppon his
said Master by order of one Mr Anthony De Sonde the summe of fower hundred
and nynty pounds seaven shillings sterlinge mony

To the second 3d and 4th articles of the said allegation and to the schedules therin
mentioned beinge shewne unto him and present by him att the tyme of this examination hee
sayeth and Deposeth That within the tyme arlate there were Laden aboard the Shipp
the Saint John arlate one hundred and fiftie pigges f Lead which hee sayeth were to be
transported to Nants in ffraunce but sayeth That as hee hath credibly beene informed
and beleiveth The said Shipp and her Ladeinge in her course thither was [?mett with]
satyed annd seized by Capteyne Greene and others but was afterwards by her
meanes of this deponents said master cleared by order of this Court And afterwards
did proceed onwards in her said voyage to Nants where accordinge as by Letter
of advice sent to this deponents said Master [?XXXXX] appeared the said Lead was safely
delivered and with the proceeds thereof the wyne and Vineager arlate were laden aboard
the said Shipp att Nants from whence they were to have bene transported to
Dunkirke for the accompt and adventure of this deponents
Master and Arnold Beake arlate as their factors and correspondents And sayeth
That hee hath sene Letters which were sent from [?Martini] and Henry Dorner in the sayd
[?XXXX] mentioned whereby it was and is certified to be his said Master That the said [?XXXX]