HCA 13/68 f.348r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 348 |
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IMAGE: IMG_117_07_0253.jpg | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/09/21 | |
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Edited on 27/02/2016 |
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The seaventeenth day of November 1653
On the behalfe of the Keepers of the}
Liberty of England by authority of}
Parliament against the shipp the}
Leaping hart whereof John Menke}
is master lately seized by some of the}
shipps of this Commonwealth, and the goods}
in the same, and whatsoever person or
persons interested therein Budd}
Examined upon Interrogatories on the behalfe
of the sayd Keepers of the Liberty of England
by Authority of Parliament.
John Menke of Hamburgh Mariner
Master of the sayd shipp the Leaping Hart
aged two and forty yeares or thereabouts
a witnes sworne and examined deposeth
and saith as followeth videlicet.
To the first Interrogatorie This deponent saith he was in the sayd shipp
the Leaping Hart when she was seized by the shipps of this Commonwealth
and was master of her and so had bene for sixe or seven monethes
before, and was borne att a small village named Ritsbattle neere to
Hamburgh and under the Jurisdiction of the free State of Hamburgh
and saith that for theis twelve yeares now last past he hath lived and
kept his howse wife and family in the sayd Citty of Hamburgh
where his wife and howse and family now are, and he came first
there to dwell and inhabite with his wife for about .12 yeares since
and otherwise cannot depose.
To the second Interrogatorye This deponent saith that the sayd shipp the Leaping
hart was att the tyme of her being seized bound for the sayd port
and Citty of Hamburgh from which sayd port she began her
outward voyage in or about the moneth of may or June last past of
this present yeare now current and her sayd voyage was not upon
Accompt of her Owners, but she was freighted by theis Merchants of Hamburgh whose
names are Daniel Brandt and Jerome Sny[?eter] for account of Adrian Goldsmith but there was
not as he saith any Charter partie of affringement, or any bills
of lading made for the goods by them the sayd merchants laden
aboard her the sayd shippe. And otherwise he cannot depose.
To the third Interrogatory this deponent saith that there were laden aboard
the sayd shipp the said outward voyage twenty thousand pipestaves, all
which were laden aboard the sayd shipp by the foresayd Daniel
Brandt and Jerome Sny[?eter] but for the Accompt as he beleiveth of
Mr Adrian Goldsmith. and one fatt of skins for accompt of the
sayd Jerome Sny[?ter]. and some Cheese and butter for the accompt
of this deponent. and saith the sayd pipestaves were consigned and
delivered to Andreas Marsch or [?Marsa] and Carlos van dam att Malaga
and the sayd fatt of ffells or skins was consigned to the said Marsch
or [?Massa] att Malaga but was not delivered to him but was taken
and plundered out of the sayd shipp in her passage by some ffrench
Capers. and the sayd shipp having taken in her sayd lading att
Hamburgh sayled directly to Malaga, and in her course from
thence to Hamburgh back againe was seized and brought
into the Port of Plymouth where she now is, and hath not bene
att any other port or ports but Malaga and Plymouth since
she began her sayd outward voyage. And otherwise cannot
To the fourth Interrogatory This deponent saith that the sayd shipp had
laine att Hamburgh before she began her sayd outward voyage