HCA 13/68 f.341r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.341r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the first article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that on or aboutthe
19th day of the month of Aprill 1653 the arlate Peter de Cock of
Gant and Baldwyn Matthews Englishman did by their factor ffrancisco
de la Sierpe lade for their owne accompt and adventure on board the sayd
shipp the Saint John Baptist John de Vos master, then lying in the bay of
Cadiz the sayd seven hundred and fifty peices of eight coyne of Peru
in one bagg marked as in the margent to be transported in the sayd shipp


to Dunkirke or Ostend in fflanders and there to be delivered to the factors
or Assignes of them the sayd Peter de Cock and Baldwin Matthewes for
their use and benefitt And noe other person whatsoever then had or
att present hath any share tithe or Interest therein, the premisses he knoweth
to be true for that the sayd moneyes were and are the proceed of the producents
owne goods, and this deponent saw the same delivered to the Barker att
Cadiz who carryed the same aboard the sayd shipp who att his returne brought
a note of receipt for the same according to which the bills of lading for
the same were firmed and made in manner hereafter sett forth. And
otherwise cannot depose saving that he this deponent as the Companion of the
sayd ffrancisco de La Sierpe in his factorie did tell and Count the sayd
moneyes and bagges and marked the same.

To the second article of the sayd allegation he this deponent saith That the sayd Peter de
Cock was and is an Inhabitant of Gant in fflanders and a subiect of the
King of Spaine betweene whom and this Commonwealth there was and is Peace
and amity, and the sayd Baldwin Mathewes was and is an Englishman and a
subiect of the Commonwealth of England and so accounted and well affected
to the Government thereof as hee beleiveth, and is so accounted. And otherwise
cannot depose.

To the third article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that the sayd shipp in her
Course to Dunkerke was mett withall surprized and taken by some of the
shipps of this Commonwealth and the sayd moneyes were then on board her
att the tyme of seizure as this deponent hath credibly heard and verrely beleiveth
And otherwise cannot depose.

To the fourth article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that there were three
bills of lading of one tenor made for the receipt and delivery of the sayd
sylver and saith the schedule for the same remaining in the Registry
of this Court which this deponent lately saw and perused in the possession
of Mr Dorislanes was and is one of the sayd Originall bills of lading
and the same was in this deponents sight and presence subscribed with
the proper handwriting of the sayd John de Vos the Master of the sayd shipp
and the Contents thereof were and are true and so had made and done
as therein is conteyned really and without fraud or deceit before the
departure of the sayd shipp from Cadiz aforesayd and was filled upp with this deponents owne hand writing And otherwise he saith
hee cannot depose.

To the last he saith his depositions are true.

To the Crosse Interrogatories

To the .1. negatively.

To the 2. hee saith he knoweth the foresayd Claymers and so hath done for
three yeares and upwards and ffrancisco de La Sierpe from a Child
and him this Rendent often saw both a shoare and a shipboard att Cadiz in
Company of this Rendent and the sayd John de Vos whilest the sayd shipp John Baptist
did remayne there this her last voyage. and otherwise negatively.

To the 3d he saith he was present and saw the sayd ffrancise de la Sierpe
deliver the sayd moneyes to the Barkier as aforesayd and otherwise negatively.

To the .4. Interrogatory he saith the sayd Peter de Cock is a fflandrian living in Gant
and so hath lived many yeares, and the sayd Baldwin Mathewes is an Englishman and
hath lived in London many yeares and ffransisco de la Sierpe a fflandrian