HCA 13/68 f.323v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 323 |
Side | Verso |
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Uploaded image; partially transcribed on 13/06/2017 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_117_07_0204.jpg | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2017/06/13 | |
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Edited 22/10/2019 |
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the sayd moneth of August to Quinborowe with the sayd one
hundred fifty odd quarters of wheate with intente to deliver the
same on board the sayd shipp but the arlate Jope the master of
the sayd shipp the Endeavour told this deponent that hee was not then
ready to receave the same aboard till hee had heaved some ballast
over board whereupon this deponent was forced to come to an
Anchor untill the afternoone of that day, and in the afternoone of that
day the sayd Jope receaved parte of teh sayd wheate i board the sayd
shipp and the rest on the Wednesday the sthird day of teh sayd month
and this deponent having unladed all the corne hee had then
on board returned back to ffaversham to fetch more
and on the Satterday next followeing
being the 6th of the sayd moneth of August hee this deponent went
againe to Quinborowe and brought an other parcell of corne
(which with some that one John Mitchell in the meane tyme brought
and laded on board the sayd shipp as this deponent hath heard the sayd
Mitchell say) made up the full ladeing of three hundred quarters
of wheate which the sayd shipp was to take in for Mr ffairfax'
Accompte And further to this article hee cannot depose saving hee
saith that teh sayd Mr ffairfaxe (by reason the sayd shipp remained
at Quinborowe soe longe after hee this deponent tooke
in the first ladeing of the sayd corne) did pay unto this deponent
for demorage fower pounds five shillings sterling
To the 7tha rticle of teh sayd allegation hee saith that hee well remem
breth that upon the sayd sixth day and alsoe for two dayes [?Next ?following]
teh winde and weather was good to have carried the sayd shippe the
Endeavour into the downes in persuanace of her voyage to
Spaine And further saving his foregoeing depositions to which
hee referreth hee cannot depose./
To the rest of the articles of tehs ayd allegation he
is not examined by direction of the producent/
the marke of
Edward [INITIALS] Watson
To the Crosse Interrogatories
To the first Interrogatorie hee answereth negatively to each
part thereof./
To teh second Interrogatorie hee saith that upon teh sixth day [?XXX]
last whilest this deponent attended with his hoye at Quinborowe to
deliver the last parcell of corne on board the shipp the Endeavour which
was to be delivered on board the same for the sayd Mr ffairfax [?XXX]