HCA 13/68 f.308r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.308r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the first and the rest of the Articles of the sayd allegation. This deponent
saith that he hath seene and perused a letter from his Cathoique Majesty the
King of Spaine bearing date the .21th. day of May last past signed
by his Majesties owne hand and directed to his Ambassador here Resident on
England wherein after recitalll made that the sayd Don Domingo Centurion
(who is of the Counsell of his sayd Majesty) had laden aboard the sayd shipp the
Morning Starr or Stella Dorada att Cadiz to be transported to Dunkerke
and there delivered for Accompt of his Majesties factors. 7 baggs of wooll of Andalusia and 51 baggs of Segovia woolls


marked as in the margent and for the supply of his Majestyes owne affaires and army in fflanders
according to a Contract made by the sayd Domingo Centurion in that behalfe
his Majety did and doth require the sayd Lord Ambassador to seeke for restitution of
the sayd woolls in the behalfe of the sayd Domingo Centurion of and from
this Commonwealth and Parliament and Courts of Iustice thereof into whose
power the sayd woolls were come by vertue of a seizure made of the
sayd shipp by some of the frigats of this Commonwealth. And this deponent
hath likewise seene and perused another letter dated [BLANK IN MANUSCRIPT] from Madrid
from his Excellency Don Lewis de Haro Duke de Olivares his sayd Majesties first
and Vheife Minister of State directed to the sayd Lord Ambassador of Spaine
here Resident to the same effect and purpose which the Kings aforesayd letter
ffor which Reasons and by reason of the bill of lading to the allegation annexed
and now shewne him This deponent beleiveth that the sayd
Don Domingo Centurion in the moneth of January 1653 new
stile last past was and now is the lawfull owner of the arlate 138 baggs
of wooll, and that he did lade them by his factor att Cadiz for accompt
of the foresayd factories managed by him in his sayd Majestyes Royall name
to be transported to Dunkerke and that the sayd woolls were there to be
delivered for supply of his sayd Majesties Arms and Affaires in fflanders
And otherwise cannot depose.

To the Crosse Interrogatories.

To the 1. negatively.

To the 2. 3. and 4th Interrogatories he saith that by letters of advise and publike
fame and as Secretary to the Lord Ambassador of Spaine he knoweth the sayd
Don Domingo Centurion to be a Spaniard and of his Majestyes Counsell of Spaine
and an Inhabitant of Madrid and there to have lived many yeares
and the sayd John de Vindt to be his factor resident att Cadiz and further
cannot depose.

To the .5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. and 14th. he saith he cannot depose otherwise
than as aforesayd being constantly resident in London.

To the .15th he saith he was borne att Leige in the Confines of Germany and
liveth in this City and otherwise negatively.

To the 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. and 22th. he saith he cannot depose otherwise
than as aforesayd.

Egidio Mottet [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]

Repeated before doctors Clerke and Godolphin.


The 17th day of December 1653. Examined upon the sayd allegation

The Clayme of the widdow and}
heyres of George do Etton hear}
for his sylver in the Morning star}

Michael Van Lubken of Hamburgh Mariner Commander
of the sayd shipp the Morning Starr aged 30 yeares
or thereabouts a witnes sworne and examined deposeth
and saith as followeth. videlicet
