HCA 13/68 f.307r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.307r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the third article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that in or about the monethes
of June and July 1652 he this deponent being Resident att Riga in
Lyfeland did then and there see the arlate shipp the Ostrich whereof the
sayd John Harrison was master att the sayd Port, And saith he well knoweth
that the sayd John Harrison did then and there lade aboard the sayd shipp for
his owne Accompt severall good quantities of hemp flax wainscott and Clapboard
as well by an extract of the sayd shipps Cargazon taken out of the Custome
house of Riga which this deponent hath in his possession as for that he
this deponent himselfe did sell part of the sayd lading to him, and saw
many of the respective parcells laden, and more particularly saith that the
sayd Harrison did putt aboard the sayd shipp for his owne Accompt 68. bundles of
fine hemp conteyning 206. ship pounds beiing in English weight 670 [?XX]
as the same were entred in the sayd Custome hpwse, which cost the first
penny in Lyfland about 12 dollars per pound and in case it had come safe
to this Port of London would have yeilded thirty or forty shillings the
English hundred weight and allso severall matts of fine Letnas flaxe which
by the entry in the foresayd Custome howse did amount to .53. lb ship pound
and is in Englsh weight one hindred seventy two 1/4 C. weight
the value whereof (he knoweth not. And likewise a quantity of Losetow
the cetainly or value whereof he knoweth not.



The 16th dau of December 1653.

The Keepers against the Supply Henry Oake}

The foresayd Henry Oake a witnes formerly
examined upon the allegation of Richard Ba[?t]son
and Company, to the Crosse Interrogatories.

To the first Interrogatory he saith he was master of the sayd shipp Supply in September
and October last past and att the tyme the sayd shipp was arrested by a warrant
out of this Court. And otherwise negatively.

To teh second Interrogatory he saith that the saud shipp Supply att the tyme of the
bilging of the Abraham and upon the 20. 21. and 22th dayes of September
was of this deponents knowledge in the River of Thames,