HCA 13/68 f.299r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.299r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Arnold Wouter/.

The sayd Juan Motte To the Crosse Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

Row dt.

To the 1. negatively

To the second and third and 4th Interrogatories he hath knowne the sayd Arnold Woulters 22 yeares or
thereabouts. and otherwise negatively the producent being not in Spayne
but att Hamburgh the tyme interrate, saving that the producents
howse is by the Muren in hamburgh. and saving his foregoeing

The .5.th he saith that the name of the factor that did lade the sayd sylver
was and is Claus or Nicholas Janson an Hamburgher borne, and the sayd
sylver and moneyes was laden in the day tyme and receyved aboard by the
sayd Captaine John Low himselfe.

To the .6.th he saith the sayd bills of lading were signed by the sayd Low a ship board
about the 26th day of November 1652. in the presence and sight of this Rendent.

To the 7. and 8th. Interrogatories he saith he is sure that the sayd moneyes and plate
were laden by the party whom the bill of lading mentioneth to have laden the
same to wit the sayd Claes Janson. and further cannot depose.

To the .9. he saith he knoweth nothing thereof.

To the 10. negatively to every part thereof.

To the 11. 12. and .13. Interrogatoryes This Rendent saith that about November 1652 being att Saint Lucar
in the howse of the sayd Claes Janson he shewed there unto this deponent
severall quantities of Cottons linnen Cloth, and other goods which
he told this Rendent he had received for the producents Accompt from
Hamburgh and withall shewed this deponent att the same tyme the
producents order or letter of advise to him touching the same which
by the handwriting thereof this Rendent well knew to be done by the producents owne
hadn writing bene his servant and Cashier as aforesayd and therein the
sayd Janson was ordered to returne the proceed of the sayd goods in
plate as they should be putt off and convenient shipping happen, and
the sayd Janson likewise told this Rendent that he had sold part of the producents
goods in the sayd letter mentioned and that the sylver (which is now in question)
then designed to be laden aboard the sayd John Low was the proceed thereof.

To the 14 he saith the sayd Claes Janson the lader of the sayd sylver and
moneyes did acquaint this Rendent for whose Accompt the same was laden
and who was to beare the Adventure thereof, videlicet the producent as aforesayd.

To the .15. he saith he is by birth an Hamburgher and an Inhabitant of
Sevilia in Spaine. and is the producents Cousin german. and otherwise
negatively having noe manner of Interest in the sayd plate

To the .16. he saith the sayd plate and moneyes were bought and procured by the
sayd Claes Janson as he beleiveth for the reasons aforesayd but of whom when
or where or how he bought the same not being present att the buying thereof
he cannot depose. But saith the producent is as he assuredly beleiveth
the true and sole owner thereof for the reasons aforesayd whereto he
referreth himselfe. and otherwise cannot depose.

To the 17. 18. 19. and 20th. Interrogatories he saith he cannot depose.

To the 21th. he saith he knoweth the foresayd bill of lading to be one onf the
foresayd bills of lading which this Rendent saw signed att Saint Lucars aforesayd
by the marke seale contents and firme thereof and by the filling up thereof
which was and is done with the proper handwriting of the sayd Claes Janson
with whose Character he is well acquainted. And further cannot depose
