HCA 13/68 f.291r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.291r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the Crosse Interrogatories./

To the first Interrogatory hee answereth and deposeth that hee this deponent was on board the
shipp the Noahs Arke Interrate when shee began her voyage from Borestones Interrate to
Norway and was boatswaine of her then and when shee was seized by the holland man of
warr predeposed of who was in the imediate service of the States Generall of the united
Provinces when hee seized the sayd shipp the Arke and saith the same was seized in the moneth
of May 1653 and was condemned in the Court of Admiralty for the Port of Rotterdam
And further hee cannot depose to this Interrogatory



Repeated as before


The sayd John ffalconer to the Crosse Interrogatories
in the clayme of Bell and others for the shipp
the Noahs Arke aforesayd