HCA 13/68 f.281r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 281 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2018/05/14 |
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The 5th of October 1653
Examined upon the sayd Libell./
William Jackson of Wapping wall in the parish of
Stepney and County of Middlesex Mariner Boatswaine of
the shipp the Recovery aged 44 yeares or thereabouts
a witnesse sworne and examined in this cause saith and
deposeth as followeth videlicet./
To the first second third and 4th articles of the libell hee saith and deposeth that
the arlate Valentine Austen as this deponent hath heard divers of the Company
of the shipp the Hopewell sat and affirme, was a part Owner of the sayd shipp her tackle Apparrell and furniture during
all the tyme arlate, but what part hee had therein hee knoweth not nor hath heard
but well knoweth that the sayd Austen came in the sayd Shipp the voyage in question
to Antwgo as Cape Merchant thereof And saith that the arlate Henry Powell came
as Master of the sayd shipp the Hopewell the voyage in question to Anteho from
the Barbados and arrives at Antego in her as Master thereof in the moneth of
October 1652 arlate And was imployed thither on purpose by one Colonell Birch upon freight to be allowed to the Owners of the sayd Shipp to receave aboard
his shipp the Hopewell all such ladeing as was then and there aboard the shipp
the REcovery arlate wherof the arlate Captaine Sweifte was then Master and
the same hee hath heard the sayd Powell oftentymes confesse and acknowledge
And saith that the sayd Powell did accordingly take upon
him the sayd Trust and received order to lade the sayd ladeing with all
speede and to returne therewith to London soe sooe as possibly hee could
and further to these article hee cannot depose saving his subsequent depositions
To the fowerth and fifth articles hee saith and deposeth that the arlate henry
Powell did about the 13th day of October 1652 arlate arrive at the Port
of the five Islands in Antego with his shipp the hopewell, and that the
Shipp the Recovery arlate at such his comeing was ready to have
delivered her ladeing aboard the sayd Shipp the hopewell And alsoe
saith that before and at and after the arrivall of the sayd Powell at Antego as
aforesayd there was a generall report that Prince Rupert was to the
Leewards of Antegoe and had taken some Eglish vessells, and in all likelihood
the same could not but be well knowne to the sayd Powell by reason
of the generality of the sayd reports. And further hee cannot depose./
To the 6th and seaventh articles of the sayd libell hee saith and deposeth
that the arlate Henry Powell imediately after his arrivall at Antegoe
might if hee had caused his men to worke constantly and diligently thereupon
have taken in all the ladeing of the shipp Recovery aboard his shipp the
Hopewell arlate in sixe or eight dayes at the most and if hee had soe
done might as this deponent verily beleeveth have departed in safety therewith
towards London But saith that the sayd Powell did divers dayes after his
arrivall at Antegoe aforesayd foe him selfe and fower or five of his
men with him and imployed them selves about fishing and haleing of tackles
and such like imployment and continew out some dayes till nyne or tenn
of the clock and some dayes longer whereby the service of takeing in the
ladeing of the sayd shipp the Recovery on board the sayd shipp the Hopewell
was much hindered and retarded and by reason thereof some parte