HCA 13/68 f.256r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.256r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


the accompt of Spaniards and fflandrians subiects of the King of Spain
and for noe other accompt, and saith he came the more to observe the premisses
for that he was bound for London in an English shi[[ which sayld in
Company of the Nostra Senora de Bigonna arlate from Bilboa to the tyme
she was seized by the sayd frigat of this Commonwealth and otherwise
cannot depose saving that noe hollander or ffrenchman or any subiect
of the States generall of the united Provinces or ffrench King had
of hath any manner of part share or Interest in the sayd ship or her
lading so farr as this deponent knoweth beleiveth or hath heard

To the Crosse Interrogatories./

To the .1. negatively.

To the 2.: 3. and 4th. he saith he hath knowne the sayd shipp 3 moenthes and
upwards. and further referring himselfe to his forefoeing depositions
cannot depose saving that the sayd vincent de Chavary is likewise
a partowner of the sayd shipp.

To the .5.th he saith he cannot depose saving that the sayd shipp came last from
Bilboa and was bound to Ostend.

To the .6.th he saiththat the sayd don diego Azaro domingo Saldna and the sayd
Mendieta are all Biskayners by birth, and the sayd Saldna dn Mendieta
are Inhabitants of Bilboa and so have bene by report most part of their
tymes, and for 6 yeares last past of this Rendents knowledge having
knowne them so long. and the sayd Axary whom this Rendent hath knowne by
sight onely 3 monethes dwells about halfe a mile from Bilboa. and the
sayd Captaine Chavary is an inhabitant of Portugalota about a league from
Bilboa and there he hath lived of this Rendents knowledge 3 yeares. And
further cannot depose

To the 7th he saith he was not present att nor saw the buying of any of the
sayd goods. and further saving as aforesayd cannot depose.

To the .8th. he saith that he saw the sayd persons or owners above mentioned att Bilboa
whilest the sayd shipp lay there ad saw them aboard the shipp feasting
with their freinds. and saw severall good quantities of woolls par of the
sayd shipps lading in the possession of the sayd Mendieta who was the principall
lader, in his warehowse att Bilboa before the same were laden, and
saw the boates passe with the same to the sayd shipp for the lading of them
and otherwise cannot depose.

To the 9th negatively.

To the .10.th he cannot depose otherwise then as aforesayd. not having
knowne the sayd shipp before September last.

To the 11 and 12 he knoweth nothing thereof.

To the 13. he saith he is a Biskayner by birth and an Inhabitant of Bilboa
and otherwise negatively

To the 14. 15. 16. and 17. he saith he knoweth nothing thereof.

To the 18. he saith that in November last in the house of the sayd Mendietta
att Bilboa he this Rendent saw the sayd Captaine Chavary signe severall bills
of lading for some of the woolls laden by the sayd Mendietta in the sayd shipp
but how many remembreth not. and further cannot depose.

Pedro de [?Cavalat] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]