HCA 13/68 f.246r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.246r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


the said John Glynne and hath allsoe seene his the said
Glynnes Letters acknowledgeing the receipt of the same Besides being
Leadger booke keaper of and for the producent doth finde the said goods
soe sent therein entred and thereby cometh to bee familiarly acquainted
with what hath pas[?X]ed betwixt the said producent and the said Glyn in the way
of Merchandizeing untill such tyme as the said Glynne failed which hee
saith was as he remembreth about the moneth of Aprill 1651. And
further cannot depose.

To the 3d. article of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth That within the
tyme allegate teh said John Glynne was comonly and generally accompted
and reputed the true and lawfull Owner and proprietor of one 16th
part of the shippe je Hamborough Merchant arlate and soe
much was and is true and notorious in or about this Citty and the Citty of
Hamborough where teh said Glyn is knowne. And further cannot

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true

Thomas Smith Junior, [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]

Repeated with his precontest before doctor Clerke and doctor Godolphin/


The nineth of December 1653.

On the behalfe of Mr Tailor}
for his hemp laden aboard}
John Mayer}


Humphrey Taylor of London merchant aged 29 yeares or
thereabouts and Oliver Taylor of the same citie merchant
aged 27 yeares or therabouts sworne before the right worshipfull
William Clerke and John Godolphin doctors of lawes
Judges of the high Court of the Admiraltie doe Intimate and
say by vertue of their oathes.

That they about two monethes since gave order to their factors and correspondents
at hamborough to cause to be laden aboard any shipp comming from the
East countrey for London to the valew of 4 or 5 hundred pound sterling in hemp
for accompt of them and Alderman Thomas Allen and company, and that
they have received advise from and of the said factors that there is laden
for their accompt at hamborough aboard a shipp whereof John
Mayer is master burthen 100 lasts and mounted with 6 guns 68 bundles
contayning 204 shipp pounds of hemp and a parcell of iron for ballast,
and that for preventing taking by the hollanders or shipps of the
United Netherlands her dispatches should be made and taken for Cadiz
in Spaine or dunquirke in fflanders and (pro forma) consigne to
John dormion at Cadiz or John Augustin at dunquirke; But
they say and depose that in truth and realitie the said goods were
truely and really bought and paid for with the effects of them theise
deponents and company all merchants of London and laden for their proper
acoompt, and are really and truely intended for this port here to be
dischardged for their accompt, And that noe hollander or ffrench
man or Subiect of the States of the United Netherlands or of the
ffrench kinge have any interest whatsoever therein.




John Augustin

"John Augustin of Dunquirke merchant aged 23 yeares" was deposed in the English High Court of Admiraltyu on September 7th 1654 in the "The claime of Colonell Samuell Atkins of Leith in Scotland for the Saint John. John Thomas master and goods taken by the Restitution"[1]
  1. Jump up HCA 13/70 f.3v