HCA 13/68 f.239r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 239 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2017/09/29 |
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thinke of any [?proportion] to lade silver, that hee carried a hundred peeces of
eight or [?oare] under his arme and through the streete and out at the gate at
Cadiz and soe went aboard.
To the 15 hee saith hee hath three thousand peeces of eight or betwixt 2500
and 3000 or thereabouts aboard for accompt of himselfe and shipps owners
being money prceeding of freight and some goods of his for which there is
noe bill of lading, nor is the same amongest the other silver, but was lying
in this deponents chest, and that this deponent hath about 40 barrells
of figgs and his mariners about 20 or 30 barrells, and hee and they
have 8 or 9 pipes of wine and 50 or 60 thousand lemmons aboard
for their owne accompt for which there is alsoe noe bill, and
for all the rest hee signed bills.
To the 16th negatively.
To the 17th hee beleeveth that the silver and other goods aboard laden for merchants accounts
are the retourne or proceede of goods caried to Cadiz in the said shipp,
saving the wooll, which is laden by another as appeareth by the dispatches
for the same, and that the same were laden by or from such to whom
hee brought the said goods from Hamburgh.
To the 18 hee saith his company at the time of seizure
consisted of 24 eaters or thereabouts, all Hamburgers, and most
of them there married or in the townes thereabouts under the same,
and came all aboard at Hamburgh, and otherwise negatively.
Repeated before doctor Clark and Colonel Cock.
On the behalfe of John Bushell Captaine Thomas}
[?XX] and others touching their losses by the}
King of Portugall}
Thomas Grant of London Mariner
aged 46 yeares or thereabouts sworne the
Judges of the high Court of the Admiralty saith and
That in or about the moneth of July in the yeare 1650 the shipp Lamb whereof
this deponent was Captaine or Commander was by order of the Kinge of
Portugall and by his officers at the Vechia together with her ladeing of goods
seized upon and taken away and this deponent and all the English mariners turned
out of her And this deponent saith that at the tyme when the sayd shipp was
seized as aforesayd there were on board the sayd shipp all and singualar the goods
hereafter specified by the Accompt of the respective persons hereafter named That
is to say for the proper Accompt of John Bushell five chests of white sugars
for the proper Accompt of Robert Smith sixteene chests of white sugars, for the proper
Accompt of William Mackadams ffowerteene chests of white sugars For the proper
Accompt of this deponent Thomas Grant one hundred chests of white sugars, All
and singular which aforesayd goods were by the Kings Officers seized upon at the
tyme aforesayd and the Owners utterly deprives thereof and otherwise hee cannot