HCA 13/68 f.237r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.237r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


borne and a subiect of that free State, and dwelleth there and soe hath done
all his time, and hath bin a maried man and a houskeeper there for theise foure
yeares last past.

To the second, third and fourth hee saith that having soe bought the said shipp
at Lubeck, hee this deponent while shee was fitting returned to hamborough
where hee was freighted by harman Reyndorp and ffrancis Sloyer two
merchants of hamborough to goe with the said shipp in ballast from Lubeck
to dronten in Norway, and there to take in her lading of deals and carry
and deliver the same at Cadiz in Spaine for their accompt, and this deponent
accordingly went from Lubeck about 6 monethes since to dronten and tooke
in his said lading of 6000 deales and carried and delivered them at Cadiz
to daniel Sloyer brother of the said ffrancis for accompt of the said
hance Reynsdorp and ffrancis Sloyer, and his company of mariners had
about 40 barrells of tarr for their accompt which they sold at Cadiz and the said [?merchants] a little of tarr, and
saith the said affreightment was made by Charter partie and that the said
two freighters were and are part owners of the said shipp, and further
that the said shipp hath not bin at any other port since her departure from
Lubeck but at dronten and Cadiz to the time of her seizure, and that
this is her first voyage , shee as aforesaid being newe, And otherwise hee
cannot depose, saving the said shipp belongeth to the port of hamborough.

To the fifth and 6th hee saith that hee was constituted master by the owners
who were and are ffrancis van Bremen and Peter van Bremen his brother
who together are owners of halfe of the said shipp, Arnoult Van hasedonck
and hendrick Van Hasedonck his brother, who together have an eighth part
in the said shipp; Gerrit Boremaster, Albert Stockman, and Michael van
Lubkin each and every one a sixteenth part; harman Reyndorp and ffrancis Sloyer aforesaid
together a sixteenth part namely each a 32th part, Mathias hennrick
a 32th part, Joachim Martins a 32th part, and this deponent a sixteenth
part, and that they by the hands of this deponent paid tenn thousand
marks Lubecks for the said shipp, besides her rigging and fitting which cost
six thousand and two hundred marks besides, and saith his said owners were
and are all hamburgers, there borne, all burghers and Inhabitants
of that cvitie where they have dwelt all their times, and subiects of that
free State, and that this deponent paid the said money to hendrick [?Minck]
aforesaid a burgher of Lubeck of whom hee bought the said shipp as aforesaid.

To the seaventh and 8th hee saith that all his goods and lading of the said shipp
together with the small quanitie of silver taken in her, were laden and
received aboard in the port of Cadiz and that the said lading consisteth
in paving stones for ballast, two hundred and twenty nine baggs or thereabouts of wooll
three hundred quintalls or thereabouts of campecha wood, about 300 barrells
of figgs, 23 small chests (of five arobes or thereabouts a peece) of sugar and 6186 peeces of eight
all laden by severall free merchants and factors at Cadiz, for severall
merchants of Spaine and hamburgh, according to his bills of lading, and
consigned to severall merchants of hamburgh,
saving that a thousand of the said peeces of eight were laden by
Sivert [?Godeman] (as hee taketh his name to be) a Lubeck Skipper
who sent the same from Cadiz being for freight of his shipp and sent
to his owners, and that there is a bill of lading for the same, And
that ober and besides the said goods hee this deponent hath betwixt 30
and 40 barrells of figgs and two pipes of wine for his owne
ccompt, and his shipps company have five or six pipes of wyne
and some lemmons and it may be some few barrells of figgs for
their accompt, and saith hee knoweth the said Skipper Sivert [?Gadman]
and beleeveth hee knoweth the other persons interrogated by sight, but hath [?lesse]
acquaintance with them, and that hee carried noe goods to them, and