HCA 13/68 f.233r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 233 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2017/12/16 | |
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Edited on 01/03/2016 |
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To the eight Interrogatorie hee hath not soe deposed, [?and] liveth and keepeth his
familie in hamburgh, but saith that hee knoweth the interrogated Adrian Goldsmith
and Charles Vinck, but carried noe goods for them the last time hee went from
dunquirke, whence hee departed in ballast and came into the downes as aforesaid
for his lading.
To the 9th hee saith hee hath about 28 eaters of his company, which hee saith hee
beleeveth are all Easterlings, and came first aboard at Dunquirke and
therwise negatively./
To the 10th hee saith hee hath two or three and twenty fatts of raisins in the [?XXX] aboard for
his owne accompt and 80 frailes of raisins, and 100 fatts of anchovas for his
owne accompt, all without bill of lading, and hath noe other goods aboard that
hee remembreth for which there is not a bill of lading, unlesse a fatt two or
three of wine, lemmons or some such thinge sent for a Regalo to friends.
And otherwise referring himselfe to the bills and papers taken aboard hee
cannot depose.
[?dyrXXX] [?huitman] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The 19th of November 1653.
Touching the}
[?XXX] busines.}
Cornelius Vanderhoeven of London Merchant aged 32 yeares or thereabouts
sworne before the right worshipful William Clerke and John Godolphin
doctors of Lawes, Judges of the high Court of the Admiraltie
saith and intimateth by vertue of his oath
That according to letters of advise sent him, and by this deponent received from his
correspondents at Dantzike, a certaine shipp of Dantzicke named the John
C[?XXXsis] (alsoe the name of the King of Poland) Jacob Hennenberg master
departed about six weekes since from Dantzike bound for Riga to lade hemp
and wood for this port of London, But that her dispatches will be for
dunquirke to preserve her and her lading from the hollanders in case shee
should be met with by them. And saith the siad lading was and is for accompt
of Daniel Gossen, Giles hadersolof, Philip Usell and Giles Thibaut
who were and are owners of the said shipp and Inhabitants of dantzike and
well knowne to this deponent, and that the said lading comes consigned
to this deponent to this port for their accompt aforesaid, And for the further
information of this Court touching their proprietie in the said vessell, hee produceth
and leaveth a testimoniall from the Magistrates of the said citie of Dantzicke and under
the seale thereof dated the 17th of November last
Cornelius Vander Hoene [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The 22th of November 1653.
The Keepers against the ffortune}
Examined upon the sayd allegation
NIcholas Francklin of Maidstone in Kent Esquire
aged fifty yeares or thereabouts a witnes
sworne and examined deposeth and saith as
followeth videlicet.
To the tenth article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith That in the
monthes of July and August and September last past of this present yeare 1653
att Maidstone in Kent as well in the open market there as att the