HCA 13/68 f.232r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 232 |
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IMAGE: IMG_117_07_0021.jpg | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/11/10 | |
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Edited on 01/03/2016 by Colin Greenstreet |
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To fifth and 6th hee saith that this deponent hath bin master of the said shipp ever since
shee was built, and that shee was built att hamborough about five yeares since
and was constituted master by his owners being the same that are owners
of her, saving Jacob [?Redling] one of them is dead and his heires have sold his
part to Kinder Meyer, and that the rest of their names were and are John
Eckhoff, owner of an eighth part, Jurian Luders owner of an eighth part,
derrick dobbelar a 16th part, Jacob hambrooke a 16th part, Wilken
Wrede a 16th part, hance [?Clides] and hendrick Stockman 3 32th parts, hendrick
[?Smit] and harman yonge a 16th part, Joachim and ffrederick Red[?linge] a 16th
part, this deponent three sixteenth parts, Anna [?Bouckars] and Gerrit Witt
a 16th part, and the said Luider Meyers part is a 16th part, and saith
the said shipp cost building [?above] 24 thousand marks Lubecks, and this deponents
part cost proportionably to that summe. And saith the said owners were and
are all burghers of hamburgh,
and have all lived there severall yeares, and they of them that have
lived there the least while, have lived there seaven yeares, and they were and
are all subiects of the said free state of hamburgh, And otherwise hee
cannot depose.
To the seaventh hee saith that all the lading that was aboard at the time of the
said seizure was received and taken in at Malaga, and that hee well knoweth Melchior
Jacob, John hambroke [EDITOR, Hendrick is written above John and underlined], derrick and Bernard Elers, John Budier, Reynard Rulent
Michael [?Peper], Simon Malfort Cornelius van Jerusalem, William Eckhoff,
Simon Brands, and Maurice halmers, all (saving Bernard Elers who is in London) living in Malaga, to all or many
of which hee carried goods from hamborough, and otherwise hee cannot depose saying
hee doth not knowe the other persons interrogated by the names wherein they are
therein written, which hee beleeveth to be mistaken and wronge written.
To the eighth hee saith hee hath lived alwaies in hamburgh, and that hee knoweth
to be there living Arnout Belgiens, Phillip Verporten, hance van haldern
Peter [?Rover], hendrick Egger, Corneluis [?ffeber], harmann Rentzell, Peter
[?Gilden]. heyns Schonback. hance van Jerusalem, Everard Anquelman, hendrick
hambrock, Godfrey and Joachim Schultz, derrick dobbelar and John Eckhoff
Jurian Stridbeke and derrick Baken but knoweth not George Kirkpanr by that
name, and hath well knowne them for many yeares, and those whom hee hath
knowne for the least space hee hath knowne for six or seaven yeares, and that they
all live and have for all the time of his knowledge of them lived in hamburgh
And and (sic) the goods aboard or a greate part thereof are consigned unto them
referring himselfe to his bills of lading and papers aboard, and that hee carried
goods for them or many of them to Malaga, And otherwise saving his foregoing
depositions and his said bills and papers hee cannot depose.
To the 9th hee saith hee had 19 men and boys aboard at the time of the said
seizure, all Easterlings and none of them a subiect of the States of the United
Netherlands, and that they went all from hamburgh, and saith that hee had
noe Sopra cargo aboard, but there was one Andrew Scrother a passenger
a hamburger that had foure lasts of wine and fruite aboard on his owne accompt
And otherwise negatively; saving that he had three passengerss more aboard
all ham[burgers]
To the 10th hee saith hee hath 12 or 13 pipes of wine and about 24 fatts of raisins
aboard for his owne accompt without bill of lading for the same, and his
[?folkes] have some goods aboard for which there is noe bill, besides hee himselfe as
factor for harman Rentzell laded 19 pipes of wine and 22 fatts of raisins and
[?50] frailes of raisins, for the said harman, and three pipes of wine for
Derick Jacobson a hamburger, And otherwise
referring himselfe to his foregoing deposition and his papers and bills aboard
hee cannot depose.
Martin Stechow [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
Repeated before dr Clarke and dr Godolphin.