HCA 13/68 f.230v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.230v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 15th of November 1653.

The claime of Peter Mayer and company}
of Lubeck for the shipp the Hope of Lubeck (hendrick)
Venter master) and for her freight}

Examined upon an allegation on the
behalfe of the said claimers given the
4th instant


Claes Maltz of Wismar Mariner aged 39 yeares
ore thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the first and second articles of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that
hee well knoweth the shipp the hope arlate, which hee saith was built at Lubeck
and being newe proceeded thence on her first voyage in or about the moneth of
January last at which time this deponent was there and saw her proceed
under the conduct of the said hendrick Venter her master, and saith her company
were and are all accompted Lubeckers and there dwelling and subiects of the free
State, thereof which namely Peter Meyer and Joachim Baltenhagen and the said master hee this
deponent well knoweth to be there dwelling and subiects of that place, And
otherwise cannot depose.

To the Interrogatories.

To he first hee saith hee sawe not the said shippe upon the stocks in building
but sawe shee was wholly newe when shee soe proceeded from Lubeck and it was
the common speech there that shee was new built and that that was her first
voyage, nor hath hee seene her since shee was seized, but hath severall times
mett with and seene her said master and understood from him that hee was taken
in the same shipp with this deponent sawe her soe proceede in from Lubeck.

To the second hee saith hee hath knowne the said master hendrick venter for
theise five or six yeares last or more, during all which space hee hath dwellt in
Lubeck where hee nowe liveth and where as this deponent beleeveth hee was
borne and hath dwellt all his time, and saith hee the said hendrick hath bin
married about two yeares, during all which space his wife hath dwelt in
Lubeck, the place of her biorth. And further hee deposeth that
hee hath knowne the said Peter Mayer about three yeeeres and
Joachim Baltery about tenn yeares, and saith hee had speech with [?him] [?in]
Lubeck at the time of the said shipps said proceeding, and thereby came to heare
of their said proprietie. And otherwise saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot

To the last hee saith hee doth not beleeve that the said shipp or any part thereof belongeth to any
hollander or ffrench man or that any subiect or subiects of the States of the
United Netherlands or of the ffrench kinge khad or have any interest therein

[?Claes ?Malts] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The same day.

Examined upon the foresaid allegation


Walter Jonson of Lubeck Mariner, master of the White
Swann of Lubeck nowe lying at Dover, aged 44 yeares or
thereabouts, sworne and examined.

To the first and second atrticles of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth
that hee well knoweth the shipp the hope arlate hendrick Venter master and hath
soe donne ever since shee was built, and sawe the raisinge and setting in her [?maste]
and other worke towards her furinishing at Lubeck in the spring last and saith shee
was there built by her owners arlate, and that this deponent well knoweth
foure of them namely Peter Meyer, John Witt, Joachim Baltenhagen and
hendrick Venter, but doth not knowe the arlate david [?dollessen] but
hath heard that hee is alsoe a part owner of the said shipp, and that there are [?noe]
others that have any interest in the said vessell but hee and the said sother foure