HCA 13/68 f.227v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.227v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


at Cadiz aboard the said shipp at or about the time of the said lading of the
said silver, and that there were noe other bills or bill of any other
tenor signed for the same or any part thereof, and saith that the bills nowe
showne unto him were and are (every one) one of the said bills soe by him signed
and were aboard at the time of the seizure and were and are a;; true bills [?XXX]
and further that all the merchants entioned in the said bills
to be of Hamburgh, were and are truely and really Inhabitants and subiects
of that place and well knowne unto him this deponent, and that the saud
Sivert Goodman of this deponents knowledge liveth in Wismar, and otherwise
referring himselfe to the said bills hee cannot depose.

To the Interrogatorries

To the first hee answereth negatively


To the 5 Interrogatorie shee saith that hee went from Hamborough with the
said shipp bound for Cales in July last and carried many peece goods hich
were laden and sent by the severall Hamburger merchants aforesaid said
in the said bills to have silver sent them for their owne accompt, and by
other particular Hamburgers, and this deponent dlivered the said peece goods
soe sent by the said Hamburger claimers in this businesse to the servants and
such as were sent by the merchants or factors at Cadiz (to whom the same were consigned)
to fetch and receive the same of him, and afterwards carried the said
silver of the said servants and persons. And otherwise hee cannot answer.

To the 6th hee saith hee well knoweth the interrogated ffrancis Sloyer, Adrian
Youncker and John Baptista Youncker living at Hamborough, where the said ffrancis
liveth in Saint Catherins streete, Adrian Youncker in the Dyke streete, and John Baptista
Youncker in the Greenestreet, And otherwise (saving as aforesaid) negatively.


To the 8 hee saith that the bills nowe showed unto him were never out of
his this deponents possession from the time of signing thereof as aforesaid
to the time of the seizure interrate and delivering them up thereupon.