HCA 13/68 f.214v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.214v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window




The fifteenth of November 1653.

On the behalfe of the State}
touching the perished condition oof the}
wheate aboard the ffortune of Stettin}

Rowe dt.

Robert Brathwaite of Southwarke aged 48 yeares or thereabouts
and John Nutsher of the same place aged 55 yeares or
thereabouts, sworne in Court before the right worshipfull William
Clarke and John Godolphin doctors of lawes and
George Cock Esquire Judges of the high Court of the
Admiraltie, say and depose by vertue of their oathes.

That they theise deponents being thereto imployed by the Commissioners for
prize goods wrought aboard the shipp the ffortune of Stettin then lying neare
limehouse dock laden with wheate and other goods, in lighteningthe said
shipp of the said goods, And this deponent Richard Brathwaite who wrought
from the beginning to the ending of the said worke of delivery of the said goods
deposeth that the said wheate was excessively hot and baked hard
with longe lying that after they had taken off about two foote of the wheate
the rest was soe hard that they were forced to loosen it with iron crowes
and such like instruments, and that the heate thereof was soe greate that
they could not endure their clothes on but were faine to worke
naked, and further that it had taken in wet at the ballast [?port]
and by meanes thereof was become soe noysome and full of stench
that they could very hardly endure to worke upon it, and that
through the said heate and stench the said persons that wrought there
became sick and one of them named Edward Spri[?ppe] is since dead thereof
and this deponent Robert Brathwaite is still ill thereof. And at the
bottome upon the matts, hee saith that the same with heate was [?XX]
and much other of the said wheate