HCA 13/68 f.204r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.204r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window




The same day. [CENTRE HEADING]

The Clayme of Henry [?Wilke?X] of Edinburgh}
in Scotland for twelve bales of Lynnen}
seized on board the ship the three kinges}
of Hamburgh of which Joachim was master and}
Commannder by the [?Sophie ffrigott in the}
Service of the Comon Wealth}

Symon Paryents of Cadiz in Spayne merchant
aged 27 yeares or thereabouts Witnesse sworne
likewise and examined in this Court deposeth as

To the first second third fowerth and fifth articles of teh said allegation and to
the schedule therein mentioned he deposeth Tht he this deponent
hath lived and beene an Inhabitant of and in the City of Cadiz in Spaye for
theis 6 yeares and hath had a wife and family there for theise eighte yeares last past and was in the [?XXX] and quality of a
merchant and sayeth that no [?XXX] himselfe att [?XXXX] a board the Rosario a Shipp of Lubeck arlat
about June last past and arrived att Saint Malloes in ffrance in the
moneth of July last past beinge a passenger and coming from Cadiz afforesaid
n teh Company of the producent Henry [?Wilkie] a Scotchman and John
[?Denhosmer] and other Scotchman