HCA 13/68 f.19r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 19 |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 11/07/2015 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_115_06_9591.jpg | |
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Dr John Davies | |
First transcribed | |
2015/07/11 | |
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Edited on 11/05/2016 by Colin Greenstreet |
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To the thyrd article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that att the tyme of the sayd
seizure and for severall monethes before and since there was and is open
war betwixt this Commonwealth and the State of the united Provinces. And
the same was and is Notorious, and as he beleiveth well knowne att Cadiz in
Spayne and in fflanders and att Hamburgh and other places beyond the seas, and
beleiveth the master and Company of the Golden Starr could not probably be ignorant
thereof, and soemuch this deponent heard one of the Company of the Golden
Starr say videlicet that they had notice and well knew that there was warr betwixt
England and Holland. and otherwise he cannot depose.
To the fourth article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that the Golden Starr for
and during the tyme she was chased haled and fought by the Advantage
frigott was sayling in her direct Course upp the English Channell Eastward
and otherwise cannot depose.
To the fifth article of the said allegation This deponent saith that the sayd shipp the
Golden Starr being upon the English Seas neere the English shoare and
sayling Eastward as aforesayd was haled by the Captain of the Advantage
frigot in the immediat service of this Commonwealth and wearing the Colors
of this Commonwealth. And the sayd Captaine of the Advantage required the Master
and Company of the Golden Starr in the name of the Parliament of England
to submitt themselves to be visited and to send off their shipps boat for
that purpose, being an usuall and accumstomed acknowledgement due upon those
Seas especially in tymes of warr to all shipps of this Commonwealth that
are for the defence thereof sett forth to sea, and imployed by the Supreme
Authority of this Nation. And otherwise he cannot depose.
To the sixth article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith and deposeth that the
Commander and Company of the said Advantage frigott before they made
any shott into or against the Golden Starr first shott one warning [?peite]
eyther over or by the Golden Starr (and not att or into her) onely to give
notice to her to stay, And saith that when they in the Advantage frigot came
so neere to the Golden Starr as that they could hale them and call unto them
and att the tyme when they of the Advantage frigott did first hale the
Master and Company of the Golden Starr, and before they shott att or at(?)
or made any broadside against the Golden Starr, the sayd Advantage frigot
had upp aand did weare the Colors of this Commonwealth so that they of the
Company of the Golden Starr and Master thereof might well see and perceyve
that the sayd Advantage frigot and Captaine and Company aboard her were then
in the immediat service of this Commnwealth, The premisses This deponent
knoweth being one or the Company of the Advantage frigott and present and
aboard her for and during the tyme of of the chaseing and haling and shooting
above mentioned. And otherwise cannot depose
To the seveneth article of the saith and deposeth that the
Captaine or Master and Company of the Golden Starr notwithstanding the premisses
did not nor would not strike to the sayd Commonwealths frigott, nor submitt themselves
to be visited nor send out their boat as they were required to doe but denyed
that they had any boat aboard whereas they had then as afterwards appeared
a good and sufficient boat, which the Captaine and Company of the Advantage
did after the seizure make use of. And saith the sayd Captaine or Master of the
Golden Starr did not onely refuse to be visited but carryed himselfe very insolentlly
towards this Authority of this Commonwealth in that when he was haled by the
sayd Advantage frigott wearing the Colors of this Commonwealth in the name of
Golden Star